Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What Women Want: The Inside Scoop For Guys

Today we continue our series on men and women in relationships, in particular as it relates to gaining the inside scoop on what women want. So the last time the...

BIG UP to my African Brother!

We often speak about absent fathers, men who have abandoned their roles as fathers to their families and more importantly the role of fathers of the nation. We hear...


If you know anything about surfing, the abbreviation JBay is easily recognisable to many in South Africa and around the world. It is synonymous with cooking swell and clean...

Ultimate X – Let’s Go Extreme

Sometimes in life you just have to do something out of the ordinary, something out of the box, something you wouldn’t normally do, something EXTREME!!! I recently attended the Ultimate...
Home Movie for the Deaf

A Deaf movie that speaks volumes?

As clichéd as it may sound, I have always been (very unashamedly) one of those girls who loves being comfortably couched in front of a good old-fashioned-so-smoochy-it-makes-your-face-feel-fuzzy romantic comedy.  In my...

No more PHD!

Not so long ago my friends and I were gathered as girls are known to do. The topic of discussion was one you may be familiar with, the PHD...

Brave Testimonies

Why is controversial so controversial?? Or is it just perspective? We live in a new world where tolerance is key. In order to fit into society, you better be tolerant...

Rendered Speechless By A 5 Year Old

Kids are my favourite beings in the entire world, it doesn't matter what age, they’re all cute. Some can be exceptionally difficult, while others are just heavenly. Then, there are those...


So I’m sure with a title like “I have a secret”, the first thing that’s most likely to come to your mind, would probably be… “what is it?”. Well, wouldn’t...

Brain-frying Optical Illusions!

  What we see is not necessarily what is actually there. Nature and physics beautifully demonstrate this in all sorts of fascinating ways  - but one of the most interesting for...

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