Friday, January 24, 2025

The comparison game

Have you ever played the comparison game? It's the game where no-one wins and everyone loses. Why is comparison such a tricky thing that sucks us all in at...

Money Can Buy Happiness

Using money to buy more time brings a greater sense of happiness. A new study has found that people feel happier when their money is used to save time, rather...

I Like Nice Things And I Cannot Lie

I like nice things and I cannot lie. Nothing makes me confront this truth more than an Apple product launch. Together with millions of people around the world, my...

Money makes a lousy friend

It seems that everywhere we look, people are anxious to make more money. But did you know that money makes a lousy friend? I recently had dinner with an extremely...

Maybe we should rename it Social Needia

What is your relationship with Social Media like? I received a very interesting message on Facebook today. In a nutshell a friend of mine (Facebook friend, so not someone I actually...

Live simply that others may simply live

What does it mean to live simply? Surely different things to different people. For some it is choosing to go for a drive in the BM rather than the Jag...

Stop asking for easy

I recently saw a post online that said we should stop asking for easy. It intrigued me because 2016 was a particularly challenging year for me. Here is an excerpt of...

You Can Stop Smoking

Was that one of your resolutions for 2016? And 2015? And 2014? And, will it be on your wish list for 2017? You long to stop smoking, but you...

Unwanted gifts

There is so much to love about Christmas. Family meals and gifts under the tree are my favourite. Inevitably we will all receive at least one unwanted gift. Likely...

What Matters Most At Christmas?

I did all my Christmas shopping before the start of December this year – that’s a first. Then, much to the delight of our nine-year-old twins, we finally put...

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