Making a list, checking it twice
Saving time and money this Christmas season does not have to be an impossible task. In fact, it could be as easy as making...
Christmas on a budget
Christmas is a matter of mere weeks away. It’s a wonderful, joyous time of year and should be celebrated with enthusiasm. Note I said...
How To Prepare For 2017
Happy December! Welcome to the final month of 2016. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty eager to get this year over and...
Christmas shopping tips
Incase you've missed it, or have been living under a rock - Christmas is approaching . The shops have been basically advertising since July,...
After The Rain
For the last three years South Africa experienced the driest period on record. With barely a drop of rain, death was everywhere. Crops were...
Surrender To Your Season
“You can have it all, whenever you want and still be happy.” Or can you? Can I be a gorgeous looking woman, great wife,...
Let’s Christmas it forward
Christmas is just around the corner.
In fact, this article is probably just for men, because if you're a woman you probably did all your...
Are you doing your little bit?
"Let's have a talk about what we can do to save water." Words from my wife, tbV to me last night.
We live in...
Buying a house – look no further
About a month ago I fell in love…with a house. Give me a moment to back track here. I am the age where people...
Is it need or are you greedy?
According to Oliver Stone’s 1987 film ‘Wall Street’ “Greed is Good”. But is it really?
We live in a world of limited resources. Land, wealth,...