Saturday, July 27, 2024

Love thy neighbour (or try to)

I have all the communal living horror stories. At one (scary) time in my life a friend and I were staying with seven people in a house in America while...

Bringing out the best in others

Have you ever stopped to think about all the people who you come into contact with while you are just living your life? Everyday each of us interacts with...

What Makes A Woman Wife Material?

Unlike women, men are fairly simple. Whether we want to listen or not, they'll usually tell us exactly what they need. Give them what they need and they're happy....


I played field hockey all through school. I definitely was not a naturally gifted player, but I stuck to it and was able to become reasonably good. I learnt that...

Egyptian Offers To Build A New Country For Refugees

Egyptian billionaire offers to buy an ISLAND from Greece or Italy and provide jobs so fleeing migrants can 'build a new country' An Egyptian billionaire has offered to buy an...

Why Do Women Stay?

We often find ourselves asking, "Why do women stay in abusive relationships?" or "Why don't they leave?" These types of questions -  whether it's intentional or not - actually put...

The art of communicating well during conflict

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you thought you were communicating rather well with somebody else, only to soon realize that the topic of conversation had...

What a real hero looks like

Last weekend started with a wet and windy Friday night. I was exhausted from work and the week. No way was I going out. I dedicated the evening to me, the...

What are you building on?

I was recently asked this question: What are you building on? There's a lot to consider when someone asks you a question like that. Which is part of the reason...

I Hate You! – Effects of Emotional abuse

I hate you...  Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me... I clearly remember as a child quoting this over and over again, especially in junior...

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