When life pushes the ‘reset button’
Two days ago my good old faithful laptop decided permanently retire. I stood in the Mac Repair store where the post-mortem confirmed that it...
Trump wins US elections
After months of a brutal campaign, Donald Trump has achieved the unthinkable, and won the US Presidential election.
In January next year, the President-elect will...
Alicia Keys: HERE
Alicia Keys has always had an appeal to wide audiences. With a soulful expression and honed skill, she has become to this generation, what...
Taking back the wonder!
Recently, we were invited back into Alice’s Wonderland, but this time, through a looking glass (or, mirror).
About the movie itself
Sequel to the Tim...
The books I read: how can man try better?
I arrived late at my country's history.
That is to say, I grew up being fed a very specific history at school, one that favoured...
Best Methods For Coffee
I’m sure we all love our cup of coffee in the morning, so we can get a head start on all those tea drinkers....
D-Day for the USA
Tomorrow, 9 November 2016, the world will wake up a very different place, as the United States heads to the polls.
And depending on who...
Who’s watching you?
Recently I was hit by the thought that you may never really know who is watching you, or is aware of how you live...
If social media were real life…
In the light of recent events and discussions read on social media, I started to think about what it must look like from someone...
Childish Gambino – Awaken My Love
The wait is almost over for the Childish Gambino fans as he is set to drop his next album on 2 December 2016 –...