Sunday, February 9, 2025

How To Prepare For 2017

Happy December! Welcome to the final month of 2016. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty eager to get this year over and done with. It’s been full...

Living with less

Society sells us this constant lie: We need more. More clothes; more toys or things for our kids; more random objects; more techno gadgets; more, more, more... So much...

The power of reaching out

I have been reminded recently about the power of staying in community with others, especially during a trying season. Our son has been ill, and was in hospital for...

Is social media wrecking your communication skills?

Social media has the power to connect, inform, educate, and empower. Yet, on the other hand, as most of us know, it can also distract, consume, miscommunicate, break others...

Beyoncé, Jay-z, and a bit of lemonade

When the world encountered the airing of Beyonce's visual album Lemonade, there was a slight pause, if not a brain freeze, followed by: "What just happened?" The album features powerful music...

Staying personal in an impersonal world

I am very fascinated with the world we live in. On one hand I love how technology and social media makes us feel connected and informed in so many...

Time for a tech detox?

It's no surprise that we are living in a fast paced world where we want and need everything to be instant! Some of us have become immune to this...

Mind your online manners, mom!

I find it quite funny that as parents we are so aware of raising our children to know, understand and practice good manners, when most parents forget to mind...

Raising children in the tech age

We are living in a day and age where technology is advancing at a rapid rate! So, it's no surprise that technology has been introduced within the schooling system....

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