Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Is Changing The World Possible?

In a world where the daily headlines read something like “10 die in terrorist attack” it's easy to become overwhelmed with the feeling of helplessness. I mean, realistically, what...

You won’t make it alone

I’ve been keeping a close eye on South African band Beatenberg since, well... forever – since the day my cousin sat me down in the room and played Chelsea Blakemore and...

It’s time to find a new dream

Dreams. Goals. Five-year plans. Whatever you call them, most of us have things we want to achieve or add to our lives. It could be a certain level of...

Easy ways to de-stress in busy seasons

Wouldn't it be great if we could go on holiday to beautiful islands every second week? Just imagine one week of working, then another week of resting and recharging?...

Overwhelmed? You can’t save all the babies!

It can feel overwhelming to be in the world sometimes, especially of late. So many problems, such huge issues, so much drama on social media – corruption, terrorism, racism, sexism,...

Why Should I Forgive?

Last year in December I got into a massive argument with a friend and the tension between us went on for days. When you have a good and tight...

Goodbye Bruce, Hello Caitlyn

On Monday 01 June 2015, Bruce revealed his/her new identity, appearing as Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair. The photograph of Ms. Jenner in a corset, shot by...

Unwanted gifts

There is so much to love about Christmas. Family meals and gifts under the tree are my favourite. Inevitably we will all receive at least one unwanted gift. Likely...

If You Had One Wish

Okay, we all have had the opportunity to at least fantasize about having the ability to wish for something and magically have it happen, then and there!  As a...

Are you going to the Justice Conference 2017?

In a world crying out for justice, where do you find yourself? In South Africa in 1994, many people around the world called it a miracle when our first free...

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