Why travelling is good for you

It wasn’t very many years ago that travelling abroad was a dream for many people. However times have changed and exploring the world beyond our borders has become easier....

Stand up for yourself!

I had a friend in university, let’s call her Ashley. Ashley was tall, blonde, smart, and rich. The boys loved her and she knew it. Ashley viewed the “friends”...

Celebrate love

When last have you celebrated your significant other, just because? When last have you taken initiative and done something special as a means of surprising them and making them...

Anticipating the interruption

In the last 24 hours I have been faced with two interruptions. Interruption the first My wife Valerie was away for the weekend at the dam in Theewaterskloof for some much...

Why rest is crucial

You know how I know when I need rest? It  is when I start feeling a little insecure about things I've actually overcome. As soon as that happens, I know...

Bare necessities

The past week I took a few days off to get some rest and much needed time to myself. So, I went on a trip with a few friends....

Are you a people pleaser?

Do you find that no matter how busy your schedule is, if someone asks you a favour, you always say yes? Even if you have no idea how you’re...

Buying a house – look no further

About a month ago I fell in love…with a house. Give me a moment to back track here. I am the age where people usually purchase houses but I’ve...

God and dating

Most children find moving schools hugely traumatic, but I thrived when we moved from one side of town to the other and had to change schools in year 10....

To Hope and Dream

Hope is defined as the following: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. A feeling of trust. When we have hope, we have the courage...

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