The past week I took a few days off to get some rest and much needed time to myself. So, I went on a trip with a few friends. It was actually pretty awesome. Our first stop we landed in Hermanus. A little beach town, in the middle of nowhere with no electricity.

We had to make a fire every day for heat and we showered and drank water from the waterfall behind the house. It was a very surreal experience. It made me realise how much we take for granted. Simple things like clean water, electricity, and a comfortable, warm home.

It made me appreciate things a whole lot more. It was good to have a perspective shift. Some people don’t actually have running water or the essentials that we take for granted.

It was quite an experience to have everything stripped back to the bare necessities. Each morning getting up early to chop wood for heat and fire, so that we could make food. I never thought I would enjoy nature and life outside the city as much as I did this past week. There were so many memorable moments that I couldn’t even count.

If I ever need a getaway from the city to just relax and gain perspective again, this would be the only way I would do it. It opened my mind to a whole new world of creativity and living.

Never ever forget the smaller things in life; sometimes we live life so fast and always meeting deadlines that we forget to stop and really look around at all the blessings and everything that can so easily seem insignificant.

Always open your eyes to thing that can inspire you again; never lose sight of humble beginnings.


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