When last have you celebrated your significant other, just because? When last have you taken initiative and done something special as a means of surprising them and making them feel loved, special, and valued? And no, I am not talking about celebrating their birthday, or Valentines Day, an anniversary, or whatever other holiday. I’m talking about celebrating and surprising your parter, just because you can and because you want to.
Often we get so caught up in life, work, and family responsibilities, that our spouses and partners fall to the bottom of our list of priorities. Our relationships can easily become neglected, and we fall into the “mundane-boring” marriage trap. Yes, life is real, and relationships and family dynamics can be tricky and require work from all involved. But there is always room for fun, and there is always time to celebrate one another, and it often doesn’t require a lot from us – just the intention and our time.
Celebrate love in little ways
- Surprise them
- Leave little notes for them to find
- Go on dates often, and do something different each time
- Laugh together
- Encourage one another
- Listen more
- Continue to dream together
Not every day can be a fairytale. We are still human after all, and life gets real sometimes. However, nurturing the fun element within a marriage and relationship brings the balance in and amongst the hard and tiring. We shouldn’t just merely “endure” and “survive” our marriages, we should be enjoying them. Marriage should be a constant adventure, one in which we enjoy exploring and experiencing with our spouses.
Fight the mundane in your marriage, and start thinking of ways in which to make your marriage more fun by celebrating love and by celebrating one another.