Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Movie for the Deaf

A Deaf movie that speaks volumes?

As clichéd as it may sound, I have always been (very unashamedly) one of those girls who loves being comfortably couched in front of a good old-fashioned-so-smoochy-it-makes-your-face-feel-fuzzy romantic comedy.  In my...

God can use an ass. And He does!

There has been plenty of speculation regarding God's sense of humour. Does He enjoy a good chuckle over the same things we do? Or perhaps there are some higher...

Brave Testimonies

Why is controversial so controversial?? Or is it just perspective? We live in a new world where tolerance is key. In order to fit into society, you better be tolerant...

Rendered Speechless By A 5 Year Old

Kids are my favourite beings in the entire world, it doesn't matter what age, they’re all cute. Some can be exceptionally difficult, while others are just heavenly. Then, there are those...


So I’m sure with a title like “I have a secret”, the first thing that’s most likely to come to your mind, would probably be… “what is it?”. Well, wouldn’t...


'Incomparable' is a poem using clever metaphors describing the battle of words many face in their lives. Words that encourage. Words that break. Yet in the midst of all...

Art Appreciation

Being an artist from an early age, I've been exposed to so many different expressions of art. From drawing to painting, design, photography to film. Over the years I've grown...
Michael Jackson Will you be there

Will you be there

Will You Be There Growing up, I was never very well versed with what occurred in the music circles, not that I was clued up about much else, save for...

9/11 Perspective

Some of the most captivating stories from the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA were recounted by the many firefighters who served and saved the lives of hundreds of...

Judgemental Much??

How judgemental are you? Take the quiz and find out (and be honest!) 1. Your friend has re-decorated their house by painting their walls mustard yellow and lime green. You...

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