Thursday, April 25, 2024

Keep your heart soft

Life gets real, and it can be rather messy. The world is full of good things, but it is also filled with people who are broken, who then end...

Emotional healing takes time

I don't think that anyone really loves to relish and linger in pain. If anything most people want quick instant fixes when it comes to emotional healing. If you...

When the world says NO, God says YES!

Often without realizing it, we become so accustomed to all the; "NO, you can't!" that the world lavishly throws at us, that it becomes our norm. "No you can't...

The importance of making it to the finishing line

Finishing things off to completion, whether it's work related, personal or just in general, can be a challenge in itself. Am I right?! I think we all may have...

Perfectly boring

Are you living a perfectly boring life? You know a life that is predictable, maybe too safe. A life that is bubble wrapped, a life that lives and remains...

Don’t suffer in silence

Often when we walk through dark trying seasons, we feel like we are all alone, like we are battling the situation by ourselves. We feel so overwhelmed and hopeless...

Does social media influence you more than it should?

Social media has the power to inspire, encourage, and equip us whilst keeping us connected and socially "in the know". Yet, there are times where social media sneakily starts...

What the world needs now

What the world needs now is love sweet love, It's the only thing that there's just to little of, What the world needs now is love sweet love, No, not just for...

Are you experiencing an identity crisis?

I think we all experience some sort of identity crisis at some point in our lives. You know those moments where we are left doubting ourselves, where we feel...

Important lessons we can learn during the desert season

We try our best to avoid desert seasons. We try to wish them away or we crumble at the seams and fall apart in those dry, desolate, not so...

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