Are you living a perfectly boring life? You know a life that is predictable, maybe too safe. A life that is bubble wrapped, a life that lives and remains in its tiny comfort zones? – yawn, how boring! But how many of us live like this? Fearing the inevitable, fearing the ‘what if’s’, fearing living an adventurous life that dares to dream, that dares to believe.
The truth is that life is VERY unpredictable. It curves, it bends, and seasons change without a moments notice. Sometimes because we want things to be perfect, and how we predict them to be – we often feel shaken, or blindsided, by curve balls that are part of life.
I have known some women who, with the best of intentions, believed that when they fell pregnant, or gave birth, that everything would go according to plan, and go as they imagined – perfectly! Then when reality kicked in, and life happened, they felt a bit shocked, and disappointed.
I have found personally for me, when I let go of the notion of the perfect ideal, I end up feeling more relaxed. When I do this, I am more able to embrace the ebb and flow that is life. I am more content, happy, and definitely more present in the moment. When we want things to be perfect, we ultimately want to have a strong sense of control over things. Therefore, we struggle to embrace change, and struggle to navigate through the unexpected. Letting go and walking in blindly requires faith. Faith in the unseen, faith in what’s to come, and having faith in God. It’s so hard having to carrying a heavy burden or a heavy load on our shoulders. It becomes stressful emotionally, and taxing physically on us.
Thank goodness that God is our source of strength. He will always grace us and strengthen us whenever we feel weak or overwhelmed. If we surrender all of our fears, concerns, insecurities over to Him, He will replace it with His truth, His love, and with His hope and goodness. When we trust in Him, and in His promises we will move with more confidence, and embrace all of life’s challenges with courage and with hope.
Embrace the imperfect, the unknown, knowing that there is a God in heaven who is in love with every facet and detail of your life. Dare to dream again, dare to step out in faith courageously knowing that God will walk with you every step of the way.