Life gets real, and it can be rather messy. The world is full of good things, but it is also filled with people who are broken, who then end up hurting and breaking others. People may disappoint us, may betray, or even reject us, they may even abandon us or wrongfully dismiss us. It’s only natural and normal to feel hurt and disappointed, but we must be careful that we do not let our pain cause us to harden our hearts.

Have you ever encountered (or know) a very cold hard-hearted person who is closed off to everyone, and always assumes the worst and expects everyone to disappoint them? I know I have, and they are not easy people to work with! Maybe you have been hurt in the past, or have experienced relentless disappointments wave after wave. So much so, that your heart cannot take it anymore, and you want to switch off the “softness” by switching on the “coldness” that switches off all feelings.

Hardening our hearts may seem like the right thing to do, and we may even feel entitled and justified in doing so, but we won’t live a very free and happy life because our hard hearts will keep us very small.

Choose to have a soft heart

Having a cold cynical and even critical hard is easy. It’s not healthy for us long-term, as it distracts us from what we are truly feeling and keeps the pain, the emotional wound, open because we never let it fully heal properly. Choosing to have a soft heart requires courage, which in turn helps you to forgive, to let go and to move forward feeling empowered and strong. Choosing to have a soft heart makes you stronger in character.

Having a soft heart in a hard world is courage, not weakness.

God heals our broken hearts

God wants to heal our brokenness, He wants to gently restore what is broken and lovingly piece us back together. If only we would let Him, if only we would be brave enough to say: “Here you go God, here is broken heart, here is the ugly, the messy, please help me Lord.” How much better off would we be? We would feel free from our pain, we would feel restored, and renewed. God even says it in His word as a promise to us. All we need to do it believe in Him, in His promises and cry out to Him for healing and restoration.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel 36:26

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

My friend, do not let a hardened heart stop you from living a life of joy and freedom. Be brave enough to let go, and to let God take control of your heart. If this post has spoken to you, or encouraged you then may I encourage you to click on the link below.