Friday, April 19, 2024

Oscar Pistorius

Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day of celebrating love, spending time with your favorite people, a day filled with joy. Unfortunately, it also offers opportunity for heartbreak. Such was...
Home Movie for the Deaf

A Deaf movie that speaks volumes?

As clichéd as it may sound, I have always been (very unashamedly) one of those girls who loves being comfortably couched in front of a good old-fashioned-so-smoochy-it-makes-your-face-feel-fuzzy romantic comedy.  In my...

That don’t impress me much

When last did you do something, see something, taste something and allowed yourself to be moved, to be wowed? In recent years we have become so consumed with immediate gratification,...

No more PHD!

Not so long ago my friends and I were gathered as girls are known to do. The topic of discussion was one you may be familiar with, the PHD...

Safe in the kelp

I love wildlife programs. National Geographic or Discovery Channel or BBC or wherever! You want to know why?  It’s because I see it as a whole program that praises...

Is it ok to lie?

I love the way horses run around when they’re unbridled.  Their heads are high and they look so powerful and the way their manes are blown by the wind...

Brave Testimonies

Why is controversial so controversial?? Or is it just perspective? We live in a new world where tolerance is key. In order to fit into society, you better be tolerant...

Rendered Speechless By A 5 Year Old

Kids are my favourite beings in the entire world, it doesn't matter what age, they’re all cute. Some can be exceptionally difficult, while others are just heavenly. Then, there are those...


So I’m sure with a title like “I have a secret”, the first thing that’s most likely to come to your mind, would probably be… “what is it?”. Well, wouldn’t...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Chicken Peri Peri (Pepper) Soup

Chicken Peri Peri (Pepper) Soup Featured Cook: Michael from Ghana INGREDIENTS: Chicken (2kgs) Onion (1) Garlic & ginger paste (to taste) Tomato Puree or Paste (250g) Peri Peri (Pepper) to taste Spices (mixed herbs and tree bark) Maggie...

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