Saturday, May 4, 2024

What Google Maps tell us about God

I recently realised that my "Maps" app on my phone had an update. I put in the address of the destination I needed directions to and I was surprised...

The unseen

So much of our lives is about what is not visible. If you take time to think about it, most of your life relies on things that are not...

Reasons you won’t get into heaven

I used to think all Christians were judgemental hypocrites. I also thought Christianity was a bunch of rules made to control you and force you to keep your life...

You make God happy

I first heard this statement a few days ago and was taken aback by my reaction to it. Have you ever heard anyone say "You make God happy"? What...

The elements of breakthrough

"Breakthrough" may be something you aren't 100% familiar with. There are some strange connotations to the word in religious circles, but I believe there is a genuine, very real...

Step into the light

Sometimes we go through seasons that leave us feeling trapped. Disappointments, hurt , fear, shame, and guilt sits with us and weighs on us. What's more is that in...

Your church can change the world

Do you want to be a part of something that is changing the world? I think we could all say that we do. Well, did you know by being...

What revival means to me

Have you ever felt dead? I don’t mean physically... but emotionally? Spiritually? Ever felt numbed to the world around you? In the throws of disappointment or resurging anger, there can be...

Passion for life

Ever since our twins were born, my husband and I have made a determined effort to have regular date nights. On one such recent movie and dinner evening, we...

How to wait well

Have you ever found yourself waiting for something to happen? I think many of us have been there, and more than once! Waiting can be such a frustrating thing....

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