Do you want to be a part of something that is changing the world? I think we could all say that we do. Well, did you know by being part of a healthy and alive church, you can be a part of changing the world?

My first experience with church was an old Anglican cathedral. There were many pews with a few people sitting in each. We sang sad songs and the minister spoke as if we were at a funeral. But it was all I knew so for me, that was church. Solemn, respectful, quiet, and dutiful.

But then, when I was 11 years old, my mom took us to another church. The atmosphere was light and people were happy. The songs we sang made me clap my hands and smile. The minister was passionate and talked about God in a real and personal way. I wanted to know more about this God they were singing to and talking about.

Churches have changed so much over the last century. Ten years ago, a church with a congregation of around 50 to 100 people was a good size church. They cared for their members and everyone was happy.

Churches today all around the world, look much different.  In many parts of the world, congregations are at 480 000 people. A church of today with 10 000 people seems normal. Now don’t get me wrong, a big church does not mean an effective or healthy church. I am just saying that it’s incredible how churches have grown over the last 50 years.

So what’s the big deal about going to church, you may be asking? How can it be changing the world?

  • Healthy families: Healthy churches can help produce healthy families and healthy families have a positive impact on their society.
  • Community outreach: Healthy churches find ways to donate food, clothing, and money to those in need. I know of a church that is contacted by their city when a fire or disaster breaks out because they know that church can rally its people to meet the need on a large-scale basis.
  • Eternal destiny: When people come face to face with the reality of a God who loves them, a Saviour who freely provides forgiveness for wrongdoing, and the invitation to a relationship with a living God, it changes them. It changes them for the better. No-one is perfect, but people who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ are taught to love more, to live lives that please God, and to prefer others above themselves. That leads to  an immeasurable positive impact on families, suburbs, cities, and nations.

When last did you attend a church like that? If it’s been a while or if you never have, why not take the plunge and give it a try. You may just become an integral part of changing the world!

To learn more about this life-changing, destiny-altering relationship with Jesus, simply click on the link below or on the pop up.

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