Life After Loss
Our neighbour’s cat went missing last night. I heard the whole family calling out for Camo long after I’d gone to bed. I didn’t hear them this morning though,...
Celebrate love
When last have you celebrated your significant other, just because? When last have you taken initiative and done something special as a means of surprising them and making them...
Starve your distractions
I recently stumbled across this quote: "Starve your distractions, feed your focus."
After reading this, I couldn't help but think to myself: What distractions are currently occupying my time, or...
Choose your battles wisely
Have you ever known someone who seemed to be waging war against everyone and everything? Hey, best be careful not to look at them in the wrong way – just in case...
The many benefits of laughter
When last have you gotten carried away in a moment and felt like you were bursting with laughter? The reason I ask is because sometimes we get so serious....
The power of reaching out
I have been reminded recently about the power of staying in community with others, especially during a trying season. Our son has been ill, and was in hospital for...
How to slow down and be more present
This weekend past, I made it my personal mission to slow down and be more present with my family. This meant I was intentional about engaging in active play...
Family values: 7 steps to a flourishing family
How do we nurture and instil healthy family values whilst moving in a fast-paced, ever evolving world? Before we unpack that question, maybe we need to ask ourselves: "Why is...
How to stop talking past each other
Do you ever feel like you have your wires crossed when it comes to communicating with certain individuals? No matter what you say, or how you say it, that...
Staying personal in an impersonal world
I am very fascinated with the world we live in. On one hand I love how technology and social media makes us feel connected and informed in so many...