Saturday, February 8, 2025

Can Technology Answer All of Our Questions?

I have a confession, I am addicted to technology. There you go, I said it. I literally can’t go a day without it. If I’m not behind my computer, I’m...

Jesus, who’s that?

So with Easter just around the corner, we thought we would put out a video that highlights exactly who Jesus is. During this time of year everyone seems to...

Beyoncé, Jay-z, and a bit of lemonade

When the world encountered the airing of Beyonce's visual album Lemonade, there was a slight pause, if not a brain freeze, followed by: "What just happened?" The album features powerful music...

Donald Glover – man of the moment

The recent Golden Globes award ceremony was everything you can expect of an event of that nature. High caliber actors, film makers, musicians, among other Hollywood royalty were all present. Except...

Nerve: Masterful in expression

It has been a long time since I have watched a film that has lived up to its hype (which was surprisingly minimal). And to be honest, this alternative,...

Adele: Send My Love

The world is pretty much in love with Adele. I haven't found anyone yet who has not been able to stomach her songs. I have written before about what...


"Last month, Petite Noir released his debut full-length album La Vie Est Belle / Life Is Beautiful, and with it ushered in of a new genre of sleek, stylistic...

Furious 7 Soon To Be Released

If you have been a fan of the Fast and The Furious franchise from day one, you'll be glad to know that Furious 7 is about to be released. Director:...

Noah Movie: Comparisons and Opinions

Noah: Comparisons and Opinions The new Noah movie, starring Russell Crowe, has sent the Christian world spinning on its head for the last few months. There has been much speculation,...

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