The Power In Our Words

The words we speak over our lives or over the lives of others, have great significance and power. Think about this for one second, so what does this mean and...

The image of God in you

Do you see the image of God in others? I will let you into a little secret, an idea I had a week or so ago, but haven't had the...

The prostitute next door

What would you do if you found out you had a prostitute living next door? What would your first reaction be? Call the police? Confront her? Well, believe it or...

Unlocking your freedom

One of the most limiting factors I believe we face in modern society is stress. This stress can be brought about by internal struggles like insecurity, anger or entitlement....

Collateral beauty

Have you ever wondered "Wow, am I ever going to see the beauty through all this mess?" If you have, I can promise you that you are not alone. In the movie...


Some days it's hard to tell the truth from the lies anymore, especially when we believe the lies that we tell. I'm talking about those sneaky deceptive lies that...

Are you open to dating

Are you open to dating? I have noticed this year that so many who were single at the start of 2015 are still single as this year draws to a...

Spring: A New Season of Life

Spring is the season of new beginnings, fresh starts, the season of growth, life and renewal. Where the flowers begin to bloom into beautiful floral masterpieces and the rain lessens...

Have You Been Unfaithful?

Now before you think this is a relationship blog, it's not. Well I guess, it kind of is. I am not asking if you've been unfaithful to your spouse...

Marriage is not the goal

A couple of weeks ago I turned 25…which, let me tell you, was filled with many sleepless nights, worrying about the future, about how old I’m getting and which...

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