The Christmas season is normally a holiday season for us here in South Africa. It’s Summer, and everyone for the most part takes leave and enjoys some much needed family time! Braai’s, beach days, lunches with an ocean view, lazy days always sums up the festive season for me. However, for others The Christmas season is a season filled with loneliness, a feeling of emptiness, a season that others dread!

For some this holiday may remind them of loved ones who are no longer with them, it may make them feel lonely, it may remind them of the brokenness that they carry with them. It’s time where many reflect on the year that was, and for some it’s hard to feel hopeful for what’s to come in 2016.

For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for well-being and not for trouble, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will look for Me and find Me, when you look for Me with all your heart. 
Jeremiah 29:11-13

Three things we can take to heart from that scripture:

1 ) HIS PLANS FOR US – Gods plans for us are always for our good, and are always in line with His perfect will for our lives. We do not always have control over certain events that take place that may seem unfortunate, unfair, and sometimes we will never understand it and it may even frustrate us! However, what I do know is that no matter what we are faced with, we can do all things with Him at our side! We can look towards our future with Hope, and with Faith that amazing things lie before us!

2) CALL ON HIM – Do you ever feel so helpless and at a loss, that all you can do is just cry out to God in desperation? I think that is the best place to be , as it causes us to look to God and to solely rely on Him to help us through a trying season. When we call out to Him with everything that we have, it places our focus on Him, and places our trust in Him, and then it causes us to wait on Him.

3) WE WILL FIND HIM – I love at the end of the scripture it says ; “ You will look for me, and find me, when you look for me with ALL your heart!” I love that, because it is so true! When are so desperate for Him, and we only want to hear from Him, and know His will over our situation, God will reveal it to us. He won’t hide himself from us, he won’t drop us , he won’t offer parts of himself to us when he feels like it. He loves us, and he wants the best for us , therefore He will ALWAYS respond to us. He will ALWAYS reveal His goodness and faithfulness to us!

Let’s keep an eye out for those that may need someone to stand by their side during this festive season. Think of small ways to include others during this time, especially those that you may think might need some loving! If this post spoke to you and would like to know about being in a relationship with God, then may I encourage you to click on the link below.