When a friendship isn’t picture perfect

Recently, I’ve found myself surrounded by a great army of amazing women, each of them uniquely different. One thing has stuck out for me: the fact that they are all constant. Not only...

Under pressure

It’s an unusual person who can make it through life without feeling some kind of pressure. Regardless of your job, relationship status, situation in life or financial standing there...

Opinionated bullies

I think it's safe to say, that we are living in a very opinionated age. Everyone has something to say about everything and everyone. I am all for indivduals...

Don’t touch me on my parenting

Well that just happened. A friend of mine tagged me in a post of this picture on Facebook, knowing that I would probably have some words. I did, and they were...

Follow your curiosity

“Why not try follow curiosity with its humble round about magic. At the very least your curiosity may surprise you. At the very least it may have led you...

Sorry, no apology

I nearly came to blows with a stranger in the car park this week. When it comes to a perceived injustice, I struggle to reign in my desire to...

The perils of pushy parenting

Being a kid can be really tough. On one hand you’re supposed to be learning pretty much everything that you will ever need to know about facing the world...

Sit Still, Look Pretty

Some of you may know the song "Sit Still, Look Pretty" by new artist Daya. Just like many anthems before it (Beyoncé's Who Run the World and Cyndi Lauper's Girls...

Investing in “me time”

Do you like having me time, or does it make you feel uncomfortable having your thoughts all to yourself? Often we fear alone time, because we don't like how...

Is it time for a detox?

Have you ever felt like you’re living life as usual, following the same routines and schedules, connecting with the same people and doing what you always do, but it...

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