Control vs Influence

“Why was that lady so mean to her dog?” My son asked as we walked past the woman who’d just shouted at her dog and hit it. “Because it...

Choosing friends wisely

Friends are important. After all, it’s our relationships that help to mould and cement who we are and very often are our most valuable achievements in life. As with...

Come As You Are

Have you ever walked into a room filled with people who are nothing like you and then instantly felt the need to want to change who you are, in order...

What do our children really need from us?

Parenting children can feel like you're on a roller coaster ride that never ends. One minute you're up and everything is great and fun, then another minute you're upside...

How to be a better friend

A good friend is a real treasure. Of all the things in life that contribute to our existence it’s our relationships that seem to make everything else worthwhile. Great...

Do you over-analyse everything?

Do you over-analyse every single little thing in your life, so much so that it makes you feel physically ill? Over-analysing every small thing can feel like a constant...

Conflict in marriage – who wins, who loses?

Whether you've been married for a few months or a few years, the truth is you will face conflict in your marriage. When this occurs, who wins and who...

The unity to be found in community

I didn't cycle the 109km Argus Cycle Tour this past weekend. Not cycling a race doesn't sound like the kind of announcement one makes, right? But in this case, it...

Making Friends

Our family is on the move again. After living in three different countries across three different continents over the last seven years and moving house a number of times,...

Can you be friends with an ex?

"It's not you, it's me, but maybe we can just "be friends" for now." You're back in the friend zone and your ex wants to be "just friends" and...

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