The end of the year is days away, so what better time to makes sure that the next one gets off to a great start? Whatever you did or didn’t achieve in 2019, 2020 is a brand new page just waiting to be written. Don’t wait for the year to unfold before you decide to make the most of it, get a head start and make sure you begin well! Here are a few things you can do to help you get 2020 going with a bang!!

Be grateful

Whatever 2019 brought to your door, whether good, bad or somewhere in the middle be grateful for it. It’s easy to be thankful for good times but hardship and difficult seasons can be valuable too, even if they only make you realise how much you have to be thankful for.

Be intentional

Don’t let the year take you by surprise. Have a plan and direction that you want to go in. If you fail to be intentional about what you want out of 2020 you will always find yourself on the back foot, reacting to circumstances rather than responding well. Knowing where you are heading gives you a reason to face challenges confidently.

Be positive

At the beginning of a new year you don’t really want to hear that there may be hard times ahead but the chances are that in the next 12 months there may be a few bumps in the road. Don’t allow yourself to be negative about the year before you’ve even begun. See each possible challenge as an opportunity, believe that things will come together for a positive outcome and look for the silver lining. The bible reminds us that when we love God, whatever we face will work out for our benefit according to his plans for our lives.

Be inclusive

Reach out to those around you. Embark on the new year with strong and healthy relationships. This doesn’t just apply to friends, family and work colleagues but also your relationship with God.

Be mindful

The bible tells us that it is wise to learn to number your days. This means we should be mindful that we are all given a limited amount of time on this earth. No one knows which day will be their last and therefore we should treat each day as something precious, using it for good and making it count.

A new year is a chance to begin over. It is an opportunity to make better choices and to put past mistakes behind you. The best thing you can do at the outset of 2020 is to invite Jesus to be part of your life as you navigate the year ahead.