Time for a detox?

Did the weekend hit you hard? You went out. There were drinks, desserts, more drinks and then snacks. It was so much fun. Except now you feel kind of...

The ‘Resistancy’ of Consistency

I know… ‘Resistancy’ isn’t a proper word. But I’m not just trying to sound clever. In my short experience of life I have found that there is a very...

Signs that you need to take a break

You may have seen in the media that Justin Bieber has cancelled the remaining dates of his Purpose world tour. Understandably some people aren’t happy. Not much has been...

How should we respond to suicide and mental health

Whether you have experienced the loss of a loved one, friend or family member to suicide, possibly have read about it online or even had suicidal thoughts yourself you...

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

I’m a vegetarian. Well, I’m actually a pescatarian. Although I grew up enjoying meat, I went off the texture in my early twenties and now I don’t eat any...

Money Can Buy Happiness

Using money to buy more time brings a greater sense of happiness. A new study has found that people feel happier when their money is used to save time, rather...

Stop with the negative self talk

A little bit of self criticism can be helpful, and can most certainly encourage and motivate us to do, or be, better. For example 'I need to work out more,...

Is healthy eating trendy?

I was watching a parody video the other day online about how it's “trendy” to be healthy, vegan, eat clean, drink matcha green tea, and have all sorts of...

Dealing with toxic family members

It's one thing to cut off ties with toxic friendships, but it's another thing to navigate relationships with family members who are a bit toxic. Family is, well family,...

Let love be your best feature

With being online daily for work research purposes, I always stumble across articles whereby women are desperately striving for perfect physical beauty. Some even refer to it as "Instagram...

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