Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Mike Mpofu

Mike Mpofu

Is Kanye the Donald Trump of entertainment?

Kanye Yeezy West is back in the news… again.

Yeezy has just released another track, No more parties in LA, which appears to be part of a series of songs he will out put out in the build-up to his album titled Swish,  due for release later this year.

Before that, Yeezy released Facts,  where he raps about his recent success with Yeezys (the shoe) made by Adidas, his wife Kim’s  popular app launch, and his distaste for Nike, among other things.

However this time, there is a rumour that has some parts of the world up in arms and signing petitions against Yeezy: Recently, a tabloid started a rumour that he was working on a tribute album for the late superstar David Bowie. Bowie fans were having none of this and online petitions were started for Yeezy to leave the artist’s music alone. I am not sure how effective a petition would be in preventing Kanye from working on something, but the recent uproar sure was something interesting to watch.

So what does Yeezy have to do with US politician Donald Trump?

Apart from declaring that he would find it interesting to run against Kanye West if he ran for president in the next election, Donald Trump may have more in common with Yeezy than we realise.

Around the same time that people were signing online petitions against West, former Alaska Governor and US presidential hopeful Sarah Palin came out in full support of Donald Trump. Tabloids and other news agencies had a field day. The ridiculous (that is Trump), became the insane (Trump and Palin together).

Here is the thing: a lot of people don’t like Trump… or Palin, for that matter. She did not do herself any favours when she tried to run for the second highest office in the US, for reasons we won’t get into here. But let’s just say many were happy to see her go back to Alaska.

Trump, on the other hand, is the American billionaire attempting to occupy the White House and become the most powerful man in the free world.

He is best known for his role in the television series Apprentice and his involvement in Miss USA.

However, he is also famous for his rude, at times racist remarks, his childish name calling, his disdain for anyone that generally doesn’t agree with, and for his pro-gun policy in a time when hundreds are shot on a daily basis. Many people would say Trump is the guy who no one likes.

Above all, though, I would say Trump is well known for his love of… himself.

Trump may be in the world of politics, but does his behaviour sound familiar? Yes.

Apart from the fashion, his wife, the music, and the random bursts of outrage in interviews, Yeezy is also known for his love of himself.

He may not agree with Trump on some issues, but Yeezy has all the traits to dub him the “Trump of Entertainment”.

What Trump is to politics, Yeezy is to entertainment.

I have come across multitudes of people who do not like either of these characters. The media spends a considerable amount of time criticising them. But the weird thing is, both men seem to always get the coverage and airtime, despite the world’s disdain for them.

Why is that?

Is it because West is able to say those things that “normal” people would be thinking but aren’t able to express?

What influence does Trump yield over the masses, such that he often leads in the polls to be the next US Republican presidential candidate?

Why are people drawn to people that some despise – in this instance Trump and Yeezy?

I get that the media thrive on controversy. But surely we must take responsibility for entertaining Trump’s (and, for that matter, Yeezy’s) ramblings?

The answer is simple: People love to hate them. We dislike them, but love to read up about them.

The year just started – one wonders what else is in store for us in 2016!

Yeezy Yeezy Yeezy, just jumped over jumpman! – lyrics from Facts.

Match-fixing: Betrayed by our childhood heroes


Just 18 days into the new year and so much has happened.

The world has lost the icon David Bowie to cancer, while Celine Dion lost both her husband and her father within the space of two days.

In addition to these tragic events, the world of sport has also given us some surprises of its own.

In (South) Africa, there was the recent revelation that former South African cricketer Gulam Bodi had allegedly been acting as an intermediary for bookies, and would convince players to fix matches in exchange for money.

Still in the Southern Hemisphere, one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments, the Australian Open, has been upset by news that certain tennis officials and players had allegedly been involved in match-fixing. The incidents allegedly took place 10 years ago. The BBC reports that it has seen the documents that prove these claims.

In fact, the current world number one, Novak Djokovic, has admitted to being approached early on in his career, through one of his team members, and offered £100 000 to lose a match. While this took place early in his career, Djokovic maintains that it got him thinking about the “role of big sponsors” in sport.

If you’re not a sports fan, please stay with me.

The revelation of these match fixing scandals come amid a current investigation by the USA and other intelligence agencies of FIFA and its officials for alleged corruption in organising the 2010 South Africa Soccer World Cup and other tournaments.

Just like Djokovic, the news of the recent events in cricket, tennis, and soccer got me thinking about the power of money in relation to sports.

In our part of the world (South Africa), sport is a big deal. I suppose the same could be said for the Americans and their basketball, the Kiwis and their rugby, or the English and their football, among many other nations.

People see sport as a means to achieve social cohesion and promote unity, among other things. Sport is also seen as a platform that proves to young people that, if you work hard, you can achieve great things. In fact, most of my childhood was spent playing some form of sport. This kept me out of trouble (most of the time), but also gave me something to work towards. It made me feel like I was a part of something special. Whether it was a cricket team or an under-15 rugby team, we played our hearts out in the name of school pride.

As you watch sport, you tend to idolise these legends that represent your province, country or hometown. In some way, we trust them to play and represent us to the best of their abilities. Hence the phrase, “we won” or “we lost” every time we watch these teams.

So what does this have to do with match-fixing? Everything.

People gave sports stars and teams their trust, support (including financial), and encouragement and now we have been betrayed.

I run the risk of painting every single sport as being “tainted”. This is not the goal. However we have to ask if there is a way to keep sports clean from this kind of moral decay and rebuild the trust of the billions of sports fans out there?

If the recent tennis scandal dates back to events 10 years ago, what else has been going on without our knowledge? How many other players that we currently look up to, have been involved in this? How many matches have been played that we “think” our teams won or lost, that were in fact, fixed?

Surely this has to be a time for world sport to decide on a different course?

It is time to take back and restore sport as we know it.

Is this the best shoe ever made?


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EVERYONE has their ‘kryptonite’. It is the one thing that – despite all your efforts to avoid it – ‘calls your name’, leaving you almost unable to resist. 

In my case, it is shoes.

People tend to be drawn to watches, bags, or whatever it may be; but shoes, I believe, are a game changer. And this game wouldn’t be complete without the Loake Experience.

At Loake, they don’t just sell shoes, they provide an experience. After buying shoes from this provider, finding shoes elsewhere is underwhelming.

Loake shoes are handmade by specialist cobblers who have often spent years honing their craft. These cobblers have essentially dedicated their lives to producing this beautiful product. You can hear this in the way they speak about and treat the shoes they make. You can tell they have been in business since 1880. Perhaps this is the reason the royal family (well, at the least the men) have their shoes made here).

Each shoe, according to Lily – who works at one of the Loake outlets in the UK – is a product of 200 hours of labour! This shows you the time, effort and care that has gone into each and every piece.

Walking into Loake you are not only met by Lily, but you’re welcomed by the fresh smell of leather – one of the best textures on earth. And while you scan the store for something to try on, Lily simply looks at your feet and says, “Ah yes, I’ll be back with your size”. She does this without asking what size you wear, but always gets it correct. This is someone who knows her craft.

And if that is not enough, right next door to the sales room is the workshop where all repairs are done on Loake products. These repairs and refurbishments are done by Dave. He is one of the best cobblers in the world (they actually have competitions to determine this).

Dave reminds you that if ever you have a problem with your Loake product, you can bring it back at any time and they will sort it out for you.

Once you have selected the product that best suits you, like a pair of brogue lace up boots, the packaging is also a process.

Each shoe is given its own cotton bag, and they are both placed in a box. Before the box is closed, however, some Loake show wax is thrown in for good measure.

This helps preserve the shoe and brings it to life when you need it to look sharper than usual.

And just in case you thought you bought an average shoe, try walking in the rain with them: they’re completely waterproof. This is freedom!

Having gone through this experience I guess the one thing you would tell anyone looking to get a pair of these shoes, is that they are an investment, not a pair of shoes.

These are shoes for LIFE.

Check out their website: http://www.loake.co.uk/

The Baker Serves ‘Bran Flakes’


IN MY recent adventures I had the privilege of interacting with some really cool personalities.

One of them happened to be one of my favourite artists, a dude named Joel Baker.

Baker is a Nottingham born, London based artist.

I thought of an expression or a phrase that would fully express the type of guy Joel is, and only one thing sounds right: ‘A VIBE’.

Joel is the kind of personality that is constant: he is the same in his music as he is in day-to-day life.

It doesn’t look like too much bothers him and he simply ‘gets on with it’.

Baker, who entered the British music scene by initially releasing covers of Kendrick Lamar & Kanye West, has made a significant mark in his field.

Apart from the 2 million Spotify streams, Baker has sold out The Bodega in Nottingham and is set to play Servants Jazz Quarters in London, a prestigious venue, where he will be headlining.

At the end of last year Baker dropped his FREE EP, ‘Bran Flakes Vol 1’. (Link to EP at the bottom of this article)

bran flakes art

If you’re into hip hop or open to the idea of falling in love with it, then this one is for you.

Bran Flakes Vol 1, is like listening to your friend (perhaps your brother) telling you about the various elements of life including love.

In the album Joel expresses himself in a simple, down to earth way.

The style of music seems like it is deliberately aimed at speaking to the ordinary man and woman going through the various stages of life.

I find that sometimes some musicians write their music for people who operate in their ‘realm’, but Bran Flakes Vol 1 is different. Joel is speaking and you’re the friend/brother/sister listening and laughing with him because you can relate to his life.  It’s definitely worth a listen.

Baker is set to release Bran Flakes Vol 2, later this year, which will be followed by a full EP.

Make sure you check out his website: www.joelbakermusic.com

Check out his page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoelBakerMusic/

Follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joelbakermusic/

Follow his tweets: https://twitter.com/JoelBakerMusic

Bran Flakes Vol 1 is available for FREE here: https://www.musicglue.com/joelbaker/music/

If you’re in London check out Joel’s debut headline show and grab tickets on his site.


Vintage Revolution


WALKING through the streets of Leeds in the United Kingdom one cannot help but notice the different cultures in this cosmopolitan hub.

Coffee shops/cafés show how much good coffee is part of the lifestyle here, while the massive clothing stores with some of the world’s largest brands displaying their best products, shows how fashion remains a priority for many in this city.

But the standout item so far, has been the incredible number of ‘vintage’ clothing stores. These are also known to some as ‘thrift’ stores, ‘charity’ stores or simply, ‘second-hand’ clothing stores.

These vintage stores are everywhere. And more and more young people seem to be flocking towards them than your regular commercial big brand fashion store. It is almost as if, big fashion names are purposefully shunned and neglected. Not because of the price tag they come with, but because of the vintage revolution.

For some of the girls, I imagine it to be like walking into your mother’s (or grandmother’s) wardrobe and realising “oh my goodness, this dress or jersey fits me so well, it’s good quality and soooooo trendy”. This ‘aha’ moment would often lead to the “mom you didn’t tell me you had this in your wardrobe”, line; which would probably be followed by the “you didn’t ask”, response.

Similarly for the guys, it may be like walking into your dad’s wardrobe and realising he has an incredible collection of blazers and shirts you shunned in a previous decade but are now desperate to get your hands on them.

Vintage stores are heaven on earth.

From the blazers, denim jackets, shoes, chains, eyewear, jumpers, dresses, shirts, t-shirts to suitcases and other bags, these stores have EVERYTHING. And they don’t just stock them, they are incredible quality, and totally affordable.

This made me realise just how far behind (sadly) most of our (South) African vintage stores are. There is a handful of them which are often below par and disappointing to say the least.

But this revolution has swept across the UK and what appears to be most of Europe in a big way. Giving big name brands a good run for their money.

There is something about finding such an authentic product in a vintage store that you fall in love with and are pleased after making the purchase.

That was my experience after walking out of BEST in Leeds; an incredible vintage store. I could have spent all day there, but sadly couldn’t.

Great product, at a reasonable price – it’s the real deal.

Check them out here: http://wear.best/

Maybe it’s high time someone or a group of people focused on bringing a ‘BEST‘ to (South) Africa?

Hopefully, the vintage revolution sweeps through Africa sooner than later.

Travel 101


THIS year I wanted to do Christmas very differently.

Instead of the beautiful African sun and the amazing beaches of Camps Bay/Clifton (in Cape Town), we opted for the cold (elsewhere).

At this time of the year, I knew a few people who will be travelling. It may not necessarily be into the ‘cold’, but it is travelling nonetheless.

One of the benefits of my trip this time is that I had time to prepare for it, which has made things a whole lot easier.

So, what should you do if you’re looking to go somewhere (even for a weekend) to get out of the standard work routine, into the vibe of the holiday?


I’ve already alluded to this. But it cannot be overemphasised. There is nothing worse than reaching the day before you leave and you don’t have half of the items you need. Whatever it may look like for you, get it done ahead of time. If it helps, set a deadline for yourself, write stuff down, call the people you need to etc. This will help you to prevent as many ‘surprises’ from the trip as possible. I find that once you have tried your level best to prepare in the way you should, it takes the stress away from the actual movement.

2.      Pack what you need – not want!

I get that you’re going on holiday and there are lots of things you could possibly want to do. But remember, space is always an issue. Whether it is on a plane or in a car, space will always be an issue. So take what you need, and the rest can be left behind. This also means you’re not dragging around a massive bag with stuff you don’t eventually get to use. You’re not there to do admin about what you’re going to wear, you’re there to unwind. Take what you need. It’s much lighter!

3.    People EVERYWHERE

That’s true! There will be people EVERYWHERE you go. Beach, holiday home somewhere or any other destination; they all involve people. This means that you’ll have to be patient in the queues, buses, planes or roads. After all, everyone is probably thinking they need to ‘get away’. So remember to be patient, kind and as less intrusive as possible. Whatever you do, you can’t avoid people.

4.    No pressure

So when you get to wherever it is you’re going, remember to ‘holiday’. There should be no pressure. See the sights, walk the environment and do whatever it is that place has to offer, but it shouldn’t be ‘work’. Holiday as hard as you can, there is a whole year of work waiting for you when you get back! Maybe it’s a more laid back environment, then read a book, watch some sport, spend time on the beach, but in whatever it is: NO PRESSURE!

5.    Capture the moments

I’m not a big ‘slefie’ fan, but that doesn’t make you can’t take them. After all, not all selfies are for publishing. Take as many pictures as you can. Capture the significant moments, that’s why you’re there too.

Happy travelling.

Facebook’s Gift to Humanity

FACEBOOK co-founder Mark Zuckerberg recently made history after announcing that he would donate 99% of his shares in his company, following the birth of his daughter.

Zuckerberg – who is famous for having launched the platform as a Harvard student – made the decision public in a letter he penned to his new daughter Max.

The shares, (at the time of writing this) are worth at least USD 45 billion.

This generous gift will go towards, “personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities,” according to Zuckerberg.

While a few other billionaires like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, continue to contribute to several causes on a daily basis, this donation struck a chord with me. It was different.

Who would have thought that a simple web page (at the time), put together by a group of roommates in February of 2004 would become a world leader in social media and technological innovation today.

Zuckerberg’s story, while not perfect, is a great example of not despising the day of ‘small beginnings’.

Whatever took place in obscurity in that Harvard dormitory has now impacted the world at large, and will most likely influence the rest of humanity for longer than we can foresee.

The exciting thing about this whole process is that the majority of us, are able to be a part of this journey. Facebook currently enjoys at least 1.5 billion users worldwide. This number continues to grow.

It has moved from just being another site where we post our selfies to a platform that gives back to humanity.

What is even better about this story is that Zuckerberg’s Facebook Story shouldn’t be the only story of its kind.

Rather it should serve as a reminder that wherever you are and whatever you are involved in, don’t despise YOUR day of small beginnings.

Who knows, perhaps one day you will be able to set the course for where humanity will look for answers in medical science or any other field.

I am stupid (and naive) enough to believe that some of the BEST ideas still haven’t been explored.

In fact, some of you are sitting on those ideas because: ‘Ag, it will never work’.

Choose to believe differently. If a man can afford to USD 45 billion from a couple of pictures and comments section on a website, then anything is possible.

I know it’s not as simple as that, but better the man (or who woman) who decides it better to ‘go forward’ despite their circumstances.

Be encouraged by Mark’s story. Contribute to humanity.

Having said that, I think it is only appropriate to share Zuckerberg’s letter to his daughter Max. It first appeared on his Facebook page. Read it and be inspired:

Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges. I will continue to serve as Facebook’s CEO for many, many years to come, but these issues are too important to wait until you or we are older to begin this work. By starting at a young age, we hope to see compounding benefits throughout our lives.

As you begin the next generation of the Chan Zuckerberg family, we also begin the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to join people across the world to advance human potential and promote equality for all children in the next generation. Our initial areas of focus will be personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities.

We will give 99% of our Facebook shares — currently about $45 billion — during our lives to advance this mission. We know this is a small contribution compared to all the resources and talents of those already working on these issues. But we want to do what we can, working alongside many others.



Speak Slowly


MY doctor is the coolest! No, really, he is.

Every time I visit him, including this afternoon (at the time of writing this), I always leave asking whether I had visited for medical purposes or another ‘talk’.

He often leaves me with ‘gems’: words that leave me thinking.

Recently I haven’t been feeling 100%, hence the need to see him more regularly.

And every time I have visited recently, he has given me a piece of paper to take home. It wasn’t a prescription, it simply read: SPEAK SLOWLY!

He meant it both literally and figuratively.

One thing is for sure, I try and get as much done within the shortest possible time. This also includes using my words. Time is something I rarely have. So I do my best to pump 50 words into a sentence, in an attempt to ‘save time’.

And it turns out, as you may know, this is not good for my health (or yours).

Equally important: SPEAK SLOWLY refers to the routine that we find ourselves in on a daily basis.

Recently I have tried to ‘cheat’ my body: work harder, rest less and hope for the best.

It doesn’t work that way.

We need to keep things in perspective.

You can only cheat your body for so long, after which, it will refuse to go any further.

So when my doc wrote: SPEAK SLOWLY on that piece of paper he also told me:

1.      Spend time with yourself

In response I quipped that I didn’t have that luxury. He gave me ‘the look’, and I knew he was right.

As we approach the ‘holiday season’ for most of us, use the opportunity to reflect.

Spend time alone: think, reflect, meditate and perhaps write (if that’s your thing).

2.      Learn to say NO!

It’s true.

The main reason we tend to burn out or ‘cheat’ our bodies is because we do not prioritise. We accept it all! EVEN during our time of rest. Perhaps there is pressure to be somewhere or spend time with some people. That’s fantastic. But if it becomes more work instead of rest, then perhaps saying ‘no’ isn’t a bad idea.

I’m not saying be rude, but be aware of your limitations.

Something that I would add to the doc’s advice:

3.      Recreate not vegetate

You’ve probably heard it before.

This won’t be an opportunity to spend 10 hours sleeping. On the contrary, it’s a chance to do that one thing you never have time to do, but it adds value to who you are as a person.

Some people draw/paint, others write, and others read.

The point of recreation is to ‘shed’ some of that old skin and replenish it with some new stuff.

Don’t just be a couch potato, that’s not resting.

As we head into this period of family, friends, gifts, and everything that comes with it, remember that you’re only as effective as you have been resting.

You do no one a service by being burnt out.

Trust me, the doc preaches this every time I see him.

Oscar: Grace Must Have the Last Say


LAST week, the Paralympic sensation Oscar Pistorius was found guilty by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein, South Africa, of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

And this morning, as you read this, he is appearing before the Pretoria High Court in order to obtain a date for his sentencing. This will most likely be in February next year (my prediction).

I am NOT a legal expert so I will not go into why, he was found guilty.

I am however a believer in justice taking its course within the standard rules, procedures and structures of the South African Constitution and courts.

As most of you, who have followed the issue, would know, Oscar’s trial was a soap opera for all of us to watch, aired live on national and international television.

When the Pretoria High Court judge first passed her verdict and sentence, we all watched.

And on that day, I remember simply listening and not passing any opinion.

When the Supreme Court of Appeal made its finding known last week, I did the same, I listened.

Not because I wanted to take the ‘moral high ground’, or anything of that nature. But purely because I did not know, and still don’t know what to make of the issue.

After mulling over it for a while, I realised my why I had held back.

Oscar’s case made me realise what we are capable of as human beings. And I am not referring to the incredible potential we all possess to become great. Oscar also displayed that quality, by overcoming great adversity and winning numerous titles.

He similarly displayed the fact that sometimes our potential to harm is also as powerful.

Whether it was in a fit of rage as some would argue, or whether he genuinely didn’t mean to do it, and mistook Reeva for a burglar, we’ll never know.

What we do know is that Reeva is gone. And Oscar must pay the price for it – possibly a 15 year price.

So how do we as society respond to such a situation?

I don’t have the answer to that.

I do know how I would like and should be responding.

Jesus was once approached by a group of people who ran to him, after catching a woman in adultery. (I wonder where the man involved was. That’s a topic for another time).

These people hauled the lady in front of Jesus and demanded she be stoned. (They came prepared to do so).

Calmly Jesus told the crowd that they could go ahead and stone her… on condition that none of them had ever made a mistake (sinned) in their lives.

He then looked down to scribble in the sand, and after a while he looked up and it was just him and the accused lady.

Then I love this next bit.

“When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”

“No, Lord,” she said.

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

[John 8 verse 9 to 11]

Jesus knew he couldn’t erase this lady’s past, but he could alter her future.

When he talked to the accusing crowd he was saying, guys, if we scrutinise your lives well enough, we should be stoning each other”.

He wasn’t advocating for a lawless society, he was calling for a responsible one.

Thankfully the lady was allowed to go.

In this case Oscar will have to pay his price.

But we should all learn something, maybe looking down to scribble in the sand before taking a decision, will allow us an opportunity to gain some proper perspective before making a call which could potentially land us where we don’t want to be.

Maybe this will also allow us an opportunity to understand just how powerful we are, and that our actions can affect others and the rest of our lives at the same time.

Whatever Oscar is going through right now isn’t for my mocking or me to judge, it is for me to learn about the power we all possess.

Grace must have the last say.

What Kind of Noise Do You Like?


Everything we do involves some kind of ‘noise’. We are surrounded by it. And we often like to believe it is this ‘noise’, that determines how ‘busy’ we are.

Noise looks likes constant emails, phone calls, television, movement from A to B, meetings etc. You get the picture.

In my situation, the ‘noise’ are my emails. My computer and phone both make a certain noise when something new drops in my inbox. But the problem: it’s nonstop.

But the critical question is how much of this noise is good noise?

This is the kind of noise that adds value, leads to productivity and gets things done.

I have a love-hate relationship with emails: because I desperately need them to get things done, but I also resent them for coming in, in their hundreds, on a daily basis. This includes work and personal stuff.

So in order to manage this I created a few accounts: one for iTunes, another for personal general, another for a certain category of friends etc., until eventually I landed up with too many to manage, for a single human being.

Scrolling through my emails trying to pick out the priority issues, it hit me: I don’t need most if the noise in this inbox. It wasn’t productive or useful noise, especially in a world where we all claim to be so busy.

In some instances I had subscribed to the most random newsletters or online store updates. While in other instances, spam had found its way into my inbox.

So what kind of noise to do I want?
And how do I deal with the noise I don’t like?

Simple: The kind of noise that adds value.
And how do I deal with the noise I don’t like?

1. The unsubscribe button is your friend

This button is the real deal. It has made sure I stop getting unnecessary noise. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment we hit the ‘subscribe button’ because of a promotion a store is running or a particular brand and we forget to unsubscribe. I am not advocating for you to be disloyal to your brand or store, but if you don’t want to make a lifelong commitment to it, you don’t have to.

Unsubscribe and clear it out unwanted noise.

2. “Rules” and “Folders”

A little gem that hasn’t been fully utilised.

I categorise all emails based on: “where they are from” or “what is in the subject line”.

So I create “rules” that identify key words, which means that email gets thrown into a certain folder.

This is helpful because the email account prioritises on your behalf and you don’t have to scroll through hundreds of emails to get to the productive ‘noise’.

It also means that when I am opening a certain folder, I know what category of emails I’m dealing with from the onset.

3. Priorities according to whom?

One of the most difficult things to manage is the ‘noise’ that others force on to you. This is the ‘noise’ that is ‘urgent’, but only because they (the sender) say it is.

I don’t mind dealing with urgent matters… Life is full of such instances. But if I have done my bit and you dropped the ball somewhere somehow, don’t respond late and then declare it ‘urgent’.

I am guilty of this sometimes, but I don’t hide. OWN IT. Apologise.

People appreciate it when you take some responsibility for making your ‘noise’ their ‘urgent’.

So what kind of noise do you like? Because not all noise is necessary.

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