How to break bad habits
Nose picking, nail biting, thumb or dummy sucking and general ickiness. For some reason bad habits tend to be part and parcel of parenting little (and not so little)...
Angry with your kids? Watch that temper
Ask any parent whether they love their child and hopefully the answer would be a resounding "Yes". Ask the same person if they ever get angry with their child...
Mother’s Day blues
Over the weekend we celebrated Mother's Day. During this time you couldn't help but notice it everywhere – from the social media posts to the advertising and store promotions.
I love celebrating...
When you don’t want the season you have
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and my newsfeed was filled with pictures of people enjoying a totally different season than the one I found myself in.
Don’t take my word – see for yourself
Einstein once said:
"The only source of knowledge is experience"
It’s funny how sometimes you can know all there is to know on a topic but until you actually experience something,...
Manners Matter
Manners Maketh the (little) Man
There is something incredibly satisfying as a parent when you hear your child being well mannered. A well-behaved and courteous child is the stuff of...
The low down on Fidget Spinners
There have been many dialogues via social media, radio, TV, as well as open debates regarding Fidget Spinners. Some of you may have already bought your child five of...
The lost art of sticking it out
Nowadays, we are so quick to give up when things get tough. We are so quick to throw in the towel when it gets boring or complicated or difficult.
Preparing your child for their first day of school
Beginning something new can always feel a little daunting and a child’s first day at school is no exception. Facing the unknown as an adult is one thing but...
You Get Out What You Put In!
The truth about poop!
Every week I take my two youngest kids to playgroup. It’s a non-negotiable. They love it. I love it. Win-win! In the midst of building blocks,...