We can often very easily slip into comparing ourselves with others and let the disappointment of what we don’t have influence our emotions, our outlooks, to our behaviour.
We as moms have moments where we compare ourselves with other moms, and we can get caught up in it. Which often distracts us from the truth of who we are and what we called do. We then start to play “The Mom Comparison Game “. You know, that ruthless game we play with each other that kind of looks like this:
The Mom Comparison Game:
She seems to have it “all together”! – if only.
She is so lucky to have an au pair, AND a full time nanny to help with the kids! – if only.
She is so lucky that she has the balance of working full time, and being a great mom , that ALWAYS looks so beautiful! Is she mythical, surely she can’t be real! – if only.
She is so lucky to be at home with her child all day! – if only.
She is so lucky that she has a husband to help father her children! – if only.
She is so lucky to be able to afford to send her kids to private schools! – if only.
She is so lucky to be able to afford to send her child to ANY school! – if only.
She is so lucky to have a house, to have furniture, to have warm food and clothing to provide for her children! – if only.
Followed by a BIG SIGH of “IF ONLY “. Can anyone relate?
Maybe your comparison list looks a little different, and you feel a bit down or disheartened about yourself and your situation because you are comparing it to someone else’s way of living. The truth is, when we entertain the very thought of comparing our lifestyles, or families, to our parenting abilities, we become distracted, resentful, and disheartened. Comparison causes us to become envious of others. One of the best ways to root out the cause of envy is to change our perspective, and to change the way we look at things!
Don’t look left or to your right
When we get caught up looking to the left and to the right, and get distracted in what others are / aren’t doing we tend to lose our focus on the here and now. If our gaze is constantly on others, we take our eyes off of our destination, because we are distracted and consumed by what we think we are lacking. If our focus is ahead, and we look forward to what is in front of us; we are focused, we are driven, we are purposeful, we are in the moment.
Be grateful for what you do have
A heart that is filled with gratitude becomes a heart that is filled with; contentment, happiness , thankfulness, and feels blessed. Sometimes we forget that what we have, someone else is desperate for, like food, water, and shelter. Don’t overlook what may seem small and insignificant in your life, it is a blessing!
Celebrate who you are
The truth is no one can do what you do quite like the way you do it! You are unique, you have certain strengths and skill sets that no one can embody or replicate. When you have a sense of knowing who you are, and owning who you are and what you bring as a mom, you will celebrate that by bringing joy into your home. You were created to be the right kind of mom for your child! Be confident in that!
When you focus on wanting to be the person that God has called you to be, you will find purpose, meaning, satisfaction, and fulfilment. You can’t focus on your purpose, while getting caught up in what others have or are doing.
If your heart feels troubled at the moment, and you feel like you can relate to this post, and you want to move forward as mom on a mission filled with passion and confidence, please may I encourage you to click on the link below or to share this with someone in your world.