Monday, February 17, 2025

Keep the love alive after having kids

It’s no surprise that some marriages take strain when you add kids to the mix. Relaxing moments, down time, and peace and quiet seem...

Allowing your children to face challenges

Set up for a loss I read a really interesting blog post this week about why Generation Y folks aren’t happy. It was interesting for...

Dealing With Difficult People

I've only been in a fight once in my life. In Grade 7, I accidentally tripped over the class bully's foot and she tore...


I am only two years into this parenting gig, and so far it has turned me into a charade guessing expert! No but really!...

Manners Matter

Manners Maketh the (little) Man There is something incredibly satisfying as a parent when you hear your child being well mannered. A well-behaved and courteous...


DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOU KEEP MESSING UP AS A MOM? I know I do! Don't act like you don't know what I am...

The Terrible Tantrums

Tantrums. We’ve all heard of them, most of us have seen one in full flow. Until you become a parent you may be deceived...

Our Children Are Our Best Teachers

I had this moment the other day whilst driving back home from dropping my son off at school where I thought to myself: OUR CHILDREN...

A New Year’s Evolution?

Next year I will... In 2016 I will stop... From this moment I promise I'm going to be more... Fill in the gaps right? And being New...

Mom Identity Crisis!

Dear new mom, or first time mom to be, gather a little closer and listen carefully at what I am about to say : You're...

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