I know I do! Don’t act like you don’t know what I am talking about. We all have those days, where parenting flips itself on its head and we end up behaving like absolute trolls! There is the good side, the cute side, the very sweet side of parenting little people. Then there is the unpredictable side, the wild side, the not so sweet side of parenting! To be honest with you, I love both sides of parenting, I have learned so much in the last two and half years of being a mom, and I know there is still LOADS to learn!


  • The hugs and kisses.
  • The cute conversations.
  • Laughing at silly things together.
  • Doing fun things together.


  • Teething.
  • Tantrums.
  • Kids defying you at almost every turn.
  • Stomach bugs.

Parenting can be an emotional rollercoaster, you will feel like you are experiencing a million emotions all in one day. No wonder, it’s no surprise that we feel so emotionally exhausted by the end of the day, and collapse on the couch into the fetal position!

Some days parenting gets to me, and it knocks me down to the floor, and I end up behaving like a mini hulk! In general, I feel like I am quite a sweet person, generally calm, and very upbeat. So it takes me by surprise when my son has pushed all of my buttons and wears away at my patience until finally I snap! Truth be told, after my angry hulk moment, I feel like the worst mom ever! I feel disappointed in myself, and most importantly I feel like I have failed my son by behaving like a troll! There is a side of me that likes things to be perfect, but with parenting the reality is that things are NEVER perfect but rather unique in every sense of the word!

When I have those not so perfect mom moments, I remind myself of the following:

Say sorry – Say sorry quickly to your little people, we are humans with emotions too, let them see and learn from you by acknowledging your weak moments. Saying sorry, also lets your little ones feel secure and safe around you, as they fear to know that you feel upset with them.

Don’t be hard on yourself – We tend to beat ourselves up when we mess up as moms. We forget that it is normal to act slightly out of character and that those moments come with the territory. We need to learn to let it go and learn how to handle our emotions better. We are not perfect, we are humans that will mess up from time to time. We need to have the courage to pick ourselves up off the floor and keep on going!

Tomorrow is a new day – When I have one of “those days”, I remind myself that tomorrow is a new day filled with new adventures! I do not need to let my mistakes of yesterday stop me from enjoying my tomorrow. There is always something new to look forward to.

Ask God – Parenting is not always easy, and we can’t do it on our own. We need Gods grace, we need His wisdom, and we need Him to help carry us through it all. Therefore, ask God daily to guide you as you go about parenting your little ones.

I do not believe that we have been called to be perfect moms, but rather to be loving, adaptable, and unique! Do not let mom guilt stop you from experiencing the best days of parenting your little people! If this post spoke to you, or you would like to know more about being in a relationship with God, then may I encourage to click on the banner below.

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