Taylored Heart: Creating a ripple effect

As you know, 1Africa is all about celebrating the richness and diversity of our continent, and the incredible people behind this amazing fusion of cultures and influences. It goes without saying that part of this mission...

How to make the most of your time

Time management can be such an elusive concept. What does it mean to manage your time and manage it well? How do you make the most of each day?...

How to confront others

We are living in a day and age where we are either quite vocal when it comes to confronting others, or we are too scared to confront because we...

The right way to rest

I know it's only March, but I've heard many people say they need another holiday again. What about you? How's your year going? Stressed out yet? Exhausted yet? I used...

When God doesn’t come through

Have you gone through a time where you feel like God hasn't come through for you? Have you ever prayed for something and it seems like the opposite happened? Well...

How mature are you really?

"Oh my gosh, you’re so immature!" It’s the ultimate insult. As humans, if we want to see things in our life work well – if we want good jobs, great...

Moms need time out too

What do you mean us moms need "time out?" Time out for what? For loving on our kids too much, for running around like a mad woman after them,...

The power of a new perspective

This week has been an interesting one. I have been thinking about life (yes, I know that sounds deep and boring!). More importantly, I have been thinking about my life – about...

How to find courage in a tough season

Have you ever found yourself going through a season or a situation where you are forced to stand up, rise above, and courageously face it all head on? Or...

It’s the little things

Yesterday evening, my husband surprised me with beautiful flowers! Why? Just because. It's not the big things that mean the most, but the little things; the everyday acts of love and...

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