Saturday, May 18, 2024

Live simply that others may simply live

What does it mean to live simply? Surely different things to different people. For some it is choosing to go for a drive in the BM rather than the Jag...

Money that makes a difference

There are few things in life that outlast our own lifetime. This means we have to think long and hard about our legacy. Recently, I've started asking myself an important question: How can...

Is it need or are you greedy?

According to Oliver Stone’s 1987 film ‘Wall Street’ “Greed is Good”. But is it really? We live in a world of limited resources. Land, wealth, food; all of these things...

How To Set Up A Budget

Do you know where your money goes, or does it kind of just disappear from your account? A budget—even a basic, barebones one—is one of the best ways to...

The Roller Coaster Rides Of Life

Life, for the majority of us, has been one big roller coaster ride, irrespective of our age.  I think as we get older, so the amount of times we...

The power of the purchase

I have a family member who loves buying stuff. Most of what she buys, though, is not for herself, and she does have an amazing knack for purchasing great...

The key to breaking a bad habit

Henry Ford once said “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”. Does it feel like you’re going round and round the same...

How to be rich without a huge bank balance

I recently sat down for a coffee with a guy friend new to town. We were relatively new friends and we had a lot to talk about. I asked...

Investing money in people over projects

I love giving money away. To be fair, I never quite have Bill Gates or Warren Buffett type amounts of money to pass on, but I do love opportunities to...

The Only Way To True Wealth

July is National Savings Month, the month in which the problems of South Africa’s massive savings crisis are highlighted. Experts cite high levels of unemployment, high levels of debt...

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