Tips for a new you (well the old one, but better)

It’s a little bit further on into the new year now, nobody is even thinking of New Year’s resolutions - we’re caught up in the everyday grind, the emails,...

You are it!

Have you ever read a news story or seen something on the television that makes you stop and say “That’s terrible! Why doesn’t somebody do something about that?” Our world is...

Creativity stealers

Whether you are a creative working full-time to a creative who dabbles creatively once in a while, you will at some point bump into (rather abruptly) a "CREATIVE BLOCK"....

Stop living vicariously

We are living in interesting times. You’ve probably noticed that already but just in case you’re not sure, let me explain what I’m talking about. When I was a...

Are you in love with the idea of dating and marriage?

Dating and marriage for the most part is fun,  exciting, and it's a full on adventure in every sense of the word with your significant other - your partner...

Live simply that others may simply live

What does it mean to live simply? Surely different things to different people. For some it is choosing to go for a drive in the BM rather than the Jag...

Things you shouldn’t do in your 20’s

Base your worth on your social media following It’s okay if you don’t get 100 likes on your pic of you and your bestie eating strawberry ice cream on the...

Don’t stay hidden

If It’s Oscars month and the eyes of every movie fan will be eagerly watching to see who takes home the coveted award in each category. We’ve come to...

There’s nothing wrong with starting over

We all make mistakes. Some of them behind closed doors where no one can see. Others are out in the open with many curious eyes watching our every move....

Are you afraid of the dark?

Being afraid of the dark is a common childhood condition. As early as two years old children can develop a fear of being in the darkness that can seemingly...

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