We are living in interesting times. You’ve probably noticed that already but just in case you’re not sure, let me explain what I’m talking about. When I was a pre-teen the closest thing we got to reality television was the evening news. Today, reality tv is big business. So big in fact that regular folk, just like you and me are creating their own versions and broadcasting weekly to audiences that number in their millions.

Not the only ones

I’m mama to four wonderful children. While we try to limit the amount of time in front of the television, I’m not against letting my kids choose their own show and being entertained by a programme on the tv. You would think that given the option they would choose a cartoon about superheros or talking ponies or pink pigs who jump in muddy puddles but you would be wrong. My children’s favourite thing to watch is a YouTube channel of a little girl, in a different country, opening toys and eating sweets. Most of the stuff featured on her channel we can’t even get in our homeland.  What’s even more amazing is that this channel on YouTube recently hit 4 million subscribers. This isn’t a celebrity. This isn’t a sports person. It’s not a singer or a musician. It’s a preteen, doing reviews of chocolate and toys, that’s it!

Why do, when you can watch?

“Television allows us to be entertained in our living room by people we would never permit to set foot in our home.” Erma Bombeck

While I don’t get the attraction of this particular show, I can’t pretend that I haven’t noticed people older than my children also have a tendency to be drawn to watching other people doing things – ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ anyone? It’s interesting and even entertaining to watch people living out scenarios that are different from your own reality. Whether it be toys, money or romances that you don’t have in your own life we like to see how ‘the other half’ live. It doesn’t stop with television or YouTube though, the same can be said of instragram, Facebook or any other social media that let’s you ogle someone else’s life without having to leave your own home. The problem is that if all we ever do is watch and ‘experience’ someone else living, we have no opportunity of experiencing life for ourselves.

Make it happen

Let’s face it a life spent in front of the television (or any other screen) enjoying the experiences of others is only fulfilling to a point. So instead of living vicariously through someone else’s reality, how about creating and living a life that you wouldn’t want to trade?   Here’s a few ideas how you can achieve just that:

Get inspired!

If you’ve been a reality tv junky, put all those hours of watching to good use as inspiration for your own day-to-day. Maybe you’re into food shows, take a cookery course. If you love travel blogs, start planning an adventure to somewhere you’ve longed to go. Look at what you are drawn to and find a way to integrate that thing into your life.

Take a break

I love social media as much as the next girl but you can get too much of a good thing. Sometimes taking a break, switching off and deleting the app is the only way that you will force yourself to look around and take stock of your own reality. It’s amazing what you can learn about yourself, your relationships and your life in general when you stop engaging with someone else’s story and simply engage with your own.

Make a list

You’ve heard of a bucket list right? A list of things you want to achieve before you kick the bucket (that’s a nice way of saying die, in case you didn’t know). Taking time to sit down and write out all the things that you would like to achieve is the best way to begin the process of making them happen. Think BIG. Be creative. Yes, you may never achieve every single item on the list but by just physically writing them down and putting them out there, you are one step closer to bringing them into reality.

Life is a gift

There is a verse in the bible that reminds us that if we, as imperfect human beings, know how to give good things to our children, how much more does a perfect and loving God know how to give great and wonderful gifts to us? Life may not always look the way we would like it to but there is always a reason to be thankful and each day we have an opportunity to make the most of the day we have been given. Don’t waste your time and live with the regret in years to come.  The best way to start living the kind of life that you were created to live is to include the Creator, God.

If you would like to know more about living a full and vibrant life, please leave a comment or click the link below.

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