Hope in the waiting season

I've been in a season of waiting for a little while now. By waiting I mean waiting for some clarity as to where I am going. What should be...

Why moms need a break

Are you a mom? Do you hope to be one someday? Moms carry so much weight and responsibility when it comes to caring for and nurturing our children. Moms are...

Let’s Christmas it forward

Christmas is just around the corner. In fact, this article is probably just for men, because if you're a woman you probably did all your Christmas shopping back in April,...

I hated High School. I don’t tell many people this.

I hated High School. I don’t tell many people this. Looking back I can remember the shrill sound of the bell at the end of class. I can see myself...

After The Rain

For the last three years South Africa experienced the driest period on record. With barely a drop of rain, death was everywhere. Crops were dying. Livestock was dying, and...

Go on! Laugh a little

Life is a pretty serious business. We start out needing to learn a lot of things in a really short space of time. Things like walking, talking and the...

Introverts VS Extroverts

I think it's really important to know and note the differences between introverts and extroverts. Reason being is because maybe we find ourselves in a relationship with someone who...

Should your child have a cell phone?

My 11-year-old is already asking, "Mom, when can I get a cell phone?" Many of her friends have cell phones, many have Facebook accounts, Instagram accounts and Whatsapp. So...

Cutting back on caffeine

Hi my name is Donna and I have a caffeine problem! It may seem ridiculous but it’s completely true. I’m a passionate tea drinker, but recently the thought that...

What it means to be a son

A few days ago I met a guy. He had tears in his eyes and was obviously really upset about something. He kept saying that he felt broken because...

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