I’ve been in a season of waiting for a little while now. By waiting I mean waiting for some clarity as to where I am going. What should be the next step in ministry, in work, in life. I know I’m in the right place for now but the there are dreams and hopes still to be fulfilled and it’s the ‘how’ and the ‘when’ for those desires that I’m being patient for.

A few years back all I wanted to do was to play music but every opportunity came except the chance to do that one thing. Now, a few years later, music is all I do, week in and week out.  I still love playing but now I have found new desires placed in my heart.

Yesterday I sat with my fiance and mentioned to her how seeing I have been through a season like this before, you would think I would have learnt from it, but somehow it still feels the same.

We began to talk about what to do in the waiting period of life because the reality is your waiting period could be two months or it could be two years, or more. You never know how long you could wait.

A few things to remind yourself when you are in that waiting season of life.

Remember why you do what you do.

Often we get doubtful or disheartened in our dreams because it’s not happening or we see others get the opportunities we would like. We get disheartened because we forget why we do what we do. Always remember why you started in the first place, don’t lose hope because you see others get promoted.

Don’t let anyone stop you.

Often we think that opportunity or getting promoted is all we have in life. It’s like we work just so we can get that opportunity. The reality is that no one else is going to promote you besides God. Living like you have nothing to lose doesn’t mean you have to break the rules and have no respect. The reality is if you want to see your heart desire realised, work hard and don’t let anyone stop you.

Never lose sight of what your heart desires are in the waiting season. It may be hard and it may seem like there is no end, the road be a bit rocky and uncertain but there is hope in every season. Choose to believe that you will come out of every season better and stronger.

God Speed

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