Learner Parenting 101

This week my child turned two.  Since meeting her 730 days ago, she has set about trying to teach me some Big Lessons.  It's like God sent her to...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Manyuchu (Samp)

Manyuchu (Samp) Featured Cook: Vongai from Zimbabwe Ingredients: Samp. Greens of your choice (peas, green beans, carrots). Chili and beef flavored Gravy pack.   Method: Soak samp in water and leave overnight. Boil samp until tender and add...

An eternal romance song

An ancient king once composed a song. A song whose every note struck a chord that tugs at more than just the heartstrings of man. Rising in elation at...

I get anxious

I get anxious.  I struggle with it a lot and sometimes, it simply gets the better of me.  Sometimes it's work, sometimes it’s family life, and more often than...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Mopani Worms in Hot Chilli Sauce

Mopani Worms (Madora or Mancimbi) in Hot Chilli Sauce Featured Cook: Nyasha from Zimbabwe Ingredients: A packet of mopani worms Half an onion One chilli 2 tomatoes 3 pinches of salt 3 pinches of black pepper Half cup...

Are We There Yet?

It’s been a while, but I remember watching Shrek 2 and laughing at the ultimate annoying road trip question: “Are we there yet?”  And Donkey did it so well;...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Curry Rice

Curry Rice Featured Cook: Judith from South Africa Ingredients: 3 – 4 bay leaves 3 -4 Pamento 3 star aniseed – broken up 3 Cinnamon sticks – broken up 1 PKT Breyani mix 2 table spoon Gurum...

Expect The Unexpected

I love fairytales and children's stories, they always have a good message and moral to them. One of my favourites has to be the story of Jack and the...


So we all get scared.  It’s natural.  But during certain times of the year, fear becomes the focus of our attention.  With Halloween having just passed it dawned on...


The 1Africa crew got to cover the annual Zombie Walk Cape Town 2013! Check out the Highlights video below, as well as the amazing Zombie Short Film produced by...

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