Friday, January 24, 2025

Shame Exposed

There is one South Africanism that has distinctly marked our country linguistically: the use of the word "Shame". Used to express sympathy for the diminutive, it has confused many...

A Colourful Life

Have you ever got into the shower only to find that the water is not hot enough? Have you been served a meal and found that it lacked flavour?...

The man in the tree

You may know the story in the bible about a really short man named Zacchaeus who found himself up a tree. But this week I was given a different...

Honouring your parents

Do you get along with your parents? Navigating your relationship with your parents when you are an adult can be tricky. Honouring your parents can become more difficult as...

The perfection of peace

There is a dying currency of peace in today’s society. Just 50 years ago there were no cell-phones, social media or 24 hour television networks. Where there would have...

War on shame

Many think that shame is synonymous with guilt. Guilt is a fact. If you go to a court, you will find people arguing to deduce whether guilt or innocence...

Christianity: there is no moral high-ground

One of the saddest things I hear young people say is, "I'll come to church once I've sorted a few things out..." It's a reality that plagues our generation - an...

When darkness falls

Are you dealing with a hard time right now that could be described as darkness? When it comes to something bad happening in life, the question is not so much...

When people hurt you

Have you experienced this in your life? When people hurt you it is such a difficult thing to go through. People hurt us for different reasons. It's impossible to...

Getting along with difficult people is impossible

Have you ever had to deal with a difficult person? Perhaps at work or at school? Maybe even in your family? People can be awesome but also difficult. They...

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