Does your phone control you?

Do you control your phone or does your phone control you? How would you know if your phone does control you? I recently went to dinner with my family and...

Money mistakes you want to avoid in your 30s

I was excited, not sad, when I turned 30. It was time for a new era. A slightly more mature, less erratic era where I could invest a little...

I’m always SO tired

I snapped at my friend last night. Ew, not good. I don’t even know what we were talking about and why I felt SO personal and moody about it....

Money makes a lousy friend

It seems that everywhere we look, people are anxious to make more money. But did you know that money makes a lousy friend? I recently had dinner with an extremely...

When you think no one sees

Who are you when no one is looking? How do you act when you think no one sees? It's easy to show up on time when we know our boss...

Open Hands

I loved my job. I worked as news editor and reader with a weekend music show for a radio station in the UK, broadcasting back to Africa. Originally from...

How to become good at something

The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded...

Spend 5 hours a week learning

I remember the first time I tried to go skiing. I was with my friend Amy, up in the Vermont Mountains on the Eastern side of the USA. It...

When the days are long

"The days are long but the years are short" is a quote I recently read in regards to raising children. The article encouraged parents to savour each moment with...

Talent is overrated

When I was at school all I ever wanted was to be good at everything. I wanted to be prefect. I wanted to be friends with the popular kids...

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