Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to hear God’s voice

Have you ever spoken to God in prayer? You probably have more than once. Well have you ever wanted Him to answer you or speak back? The good news...
reading bible

Can God speak to me?

Have you ever had a time in your life when you really needed to hear an answer that only God could give you? I mean friends and parents are always...

Face Your Fear

There are many things I can tolerate.  Snakes, mice, wild life - the usual everyday creatures that most people have major freak-outs over.  There are however a handful of...

When Life Shakes You

So many times, life can shake us. Just like an earthquake can cause a building to collapse, the storms of life can shake us and cause our lives to collapse....

How to finally get rid of regret

I knew I should have bought those shoes last week! Maybe I shouldn’t have spoke to them that way! I should have treated them better! I should have gone for that interview! I...

When what God gives you is not enough

Have you ever prayed and believed for something? What was the outcome? Have you always received exactly what you prayed for? What do you do when what God gives...

What to do when your prayers aren’t answered

Many of us have prayed for something haven't we? Whether it's a promotion at work, a baby, a spouse, more money, or healing, we've all prayed about our needs....

What is God all about?

There are many attributes that describe God such as love, kindness, and faithfulness, and they are all descriptions of who He is. But have you ever thought what God...

God In The Detail

At the beginning of 2015, I made a decision, that this year I would acknowledge and see God in the detail of everything, in my life, around me, in the...

How to wait well

Have you ever found yourself waiting for something to happen? I think many of us have been there, and more than once! Waiting can be such a frustrating thing....

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