Many of us are invigorated by change but not all change is pleasant, especially if it catches us off guard. Many of us will inevitably find ourselves facing a new season of our life in 2016 and we can either resist it and hope for the best or we can embrace and make the most out of it.

We get comfortable with the way things are in our life. For instance, my bathroom light cover broke a few months ago and to be honest, for the first few weeks, it really bothered me but now I don’t even realise it’s missing. I have to remember to pick a new one up at the hardware store!

It’s so easy to settle in with what we know and what we’re used to but the truth is, there are many changes awaiting us in 2016. It could be in your family, at work or in your relationships. So how can we make the most out of the changes that are bound to come our way? How can we embrace a new season we are facing?

  1. Understand that times and seasons change – as much as we are enjoying summer right now, we can’t stay in summer forever. The other seasons must come so that there can be balance in our environment.
  2. Understand that you are not alone – no matter what new season awaits you, God promises to be with us and help us whenever we need Him. I love this age old quote:

“You don’t need to worry about what the future holds as long as you know the One who holds the future.”

With God on our side, we can face any situation and flourish in it. There’s an awesome scripture that talks about if God is for us then no-one can be against us.

Gear yourself up for an exciting 2016 filled with the new things that God has planned for you. He loves you and only has good things in store for you. Trust Him with it all and you will see your life move forward in an incredible way!

If you are honest today and realise that you need to know the One who hold the future, we would love to talk to you more about the awesome plan God has for your life. Simply click on the pop up or link below.

Have a blessed New Year and we’ll chat again in 2016. Bring on the new season!