Take the pressure off

Has anyone ever told you ; "just take the pressure off of yourself?" and you give them 'the eye' and think; "um, what does that even mean?" Then you...

Life After Loss

Our neighbour’s cat went missing last night. I heard the whole family calling out for Camo long after I’d gone to bed. I didn’t hear them this morning though,...

Just be you

Why do we pretend or profess to be something that we are not, instead of just being us? Why do we choose to hide who we are, when we...

More love, less judgement

Everybody feels entitled and justified to pass reckless judgements. Sometimes with the intention of hurting others, or without even realizing it. The thing is we all naturally form judgments...

God meets us in our mess

We tend to fall into the trap of thinking that we can't go to God if our lives are in a mess – we think our lives are too messy, or...

In-between the weeds

I had a personal revelation the other day in my oh-so-tiny garden that has been personally challenging me. It was a normal sunny Sunday afternoon. I was feeling anxious....

In the stillness

Just the very thought of pressing pause on life for a moment in order to breathe and to be still can make us feel anxious. We have become so...

You can’t please everyone

We can't please everyone, as much as we would like to. People may feel disappointed or even offended by us from time to time when we did not even...

Don’t rush it

Do you ever find yourself eagerly trying to rush through meetings, rush through work, rush to finish projects off, rush to eat your food, rush to fix things, or...

More than words

Our words have the power to influence, inspire, and encourage others. Not only do our words hold power, but our actions and how we choose to live out our...

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