Why do we pretend or profess to be something that we are not, instead of just being us? Why do we choose to hide who we are, when we can just be ourselves? Is it because we maybe don’t like who we really are? If so, what causes that way of thinking, where does it stem from? I know, I know, I just threw out a bunch of questions all at once. But it’s always good to do a heart check every so often, to see where we are at and if we’re living in healthy space.


I wrote an article not so long ago where I expressed how tired I was of trying to pretend like I had it “all together” when I didn’t. It was a very real, raw and honest post. Little did I know that, that post would mean so much to others that stumbled across it online. It even inspired someone in the U.K to start an online Instagram project called #thenotsoperfectproject whereby you post images that are real, raw, transparent and honest. As opposed to perfectly posed and edited images. Therefore encouraging more authenticity vs “the perfect ideal”.

Normally, we like to post about the good stuff, the pretty stuff, the fun stuff, our highlight reel if you will. And yes, we should post whatever we like on our personal accounts. Sometimes people never show the real them, rather they show a distorted perception of what they want you to believe about them. They show or portray something that’s very far from who they are. And yes, it’s a personal choice as to how people choose to behave online, and in person. But how will others truly be inspired or feel encouraged by the authentic real version of who you are if you are constantly hiding behind a facade?


For example when I wrote said post, I was opening up about my emotional mess. I was being honest with what was said, and my hope was that it would encourage others out there to not feel like they are alone, especially if they are going through something similar. Sometimes, when we are honest with ourselves, and who we are, people feel that we are more relatable. If we were more honest with ourselves, and owned who we are and enjoyed being ourselves – I think that people will naturally gravitate towards us and be inspired by us.

Often people fear being themselves because they are afraid that others may not approve, or like who they are “the good and the ugly”. But I believe and have seen for myself to be true – that the right friends stick around, and they will get you, and they will love you regardless of the ups and downs.


  • Just know that who you are is a gift to the world.
  • Who you are has the potential to inspire, encourage and empower.
  • No one can do what you do quite the way you do it.
  • Own your story, do not let it own you. Let your story inspire and encourage others.
  • Who you are consists of passions, dreams, talents, gifts, struggles, challenges, and victories. Every bit of you is amazing and unique – there is nothing to be ashamed of.

I think that if we were more conscious of owning our stories, and owning who we are. We would present a more confident and authentic version of ourselves to the world. Now, obviously I am not encouraging you to walk around moaning about everything, or say something negative online as a means of owning it. Rather, I am challenging you (and myself) to look a little deeper and question if we are being true to who we really are. Celebrate who you are, own your story, and share your authentic self with others. You never know whose lives you may touch through just being authentically you.

Do you have questions about Jesus or would like to know more? We would love to connect with you. Just click below to send us your questions!