Saturday, May 4, 2024

You can’t have it all

It’s a funny time to be alive. Information is everywhere. We, as a collective population, have access to knowledge on a vast array of topics and the ability to...

Secrets to a happy marriage – with kids

Without realizing it at times, and sometimes with the best of intentions, our spouses move to the wayside when we become parents. We try so hard to balance work,...

When you don’t get what you want

Most of us are familiar with the foot-stomping, hands-raving, vocal-chords-yelling, and occasional throwing-to-the-floor kind of outburst that accompany a tantrum from a two-year-old child on hearing the word “no”....

Are my twins becoming tweens?

His mom seems to think he’s in the throes of the tween years, but I wonder if my nine-year-old nephew is just being a bit stroppy. He’s taken to...

What to do when siblings become rivals

Brothers and sisters should be the first friends we have. They’re always there, know us better than anyone else, and share the same background as we do. On the...

Raising kids in a broken world

Raising kids is the greatest honour and blessing. It's all kinds of wonderful and it's all kinds of crazy too. Every day as parents we need to be conscious...

5 Things A Daughter Needs From Her Father

To every father that has embraced their responsibilities, and are in the lives of their children, I applaud you. At a time where many have fallen short in this...

Mom Identity Crisis!

Dear new mom, or first time mom to be, gather a little closer and listen carefully at what I am about to say : You're still YOU, before you are...

Is There Hope?

Cause for fear It’s been a scary couple of weeks. Terrorist attacks in Paris; Mass shootings in Mali; Bombs destroying lives in Beirut and an airplane being blown up somewhere...

What does it take to be a man?

I’ve never really thought about what it takes to be a man. Being a woman, it really wasn’t something I ever considered. Then I had a son. Now I...

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