Where’s your heart at?

Above all else, guard your heart,  for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 I've read this verse before, but for some reason when I read it recently it sat...

Are you mad at God?

How do you react when things don't go your way? Do you find yourself blaming God, resenting God or maybe even being mad at Him? I think many people find...


In a time where there are heightened levels of emotion around injustice in our continent, I'm finding that people are pulling more and more away from each other. Recognising difference...

Will you answer when the fight calls?

I don't know how 2016 has started off for you but for me, it really seems like it's been one fight after the other. Not a physical fight or...

The Great Architect

My husband and I are in the process of building our first home. We are super excited, as you can imagine, and feeling really blessed that we are able to...

Expect the expected

I'm sure you've heard it said, "Expect the unexpected." But recently I heard someone say, "Expect the expected." I was completely floored and puzzled by this statement. What does...

It’s the little things

Yesterday evening, my husband surprised me with beautiful flowers! Why? Just because. It's not the big things that mean the most, but the little things; the everyday acts of love and...

How to find courage in a tough season

Have you ever found yourself going through a season or a situation where you are forced to stand up, rise above, and courageously face it all head on? Or...

4 things you need to know about Easter

Do you know what the big deal about Easter is? I mean, we get a few days off work, eat some chocolate eggs and maybe go to church... but...

A love like no other

Are you simply tired of looking for love in all the wrong places? You know, that quick fix love that never truly fixes anything: Finding love through alcohol. Finding love through unhealthy...

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