I’m sure you’ve heard it said, “Expect the unexpected.” But recently I heard someone say, “Expect the expected.” I was completely floored and puzzled by this statement. What does that even mean?

I think in life, so many times, we are preparing for the:

  • inevitable
  • unexpected
  • worst case scenario
  • unknown

If you become a follower of Jesus, you don’t have to live like that. He has promised many good and awesome things to us in the Bible – what if we began to expect what He has already promised? Expect the expected!

What if we expected:

  1. God is with us and He wants to see our lives move forward in a great way.
  2. If God is with us, then it doesn’t matter who or what might come against us. We are no longer at the mercy of fate.
  3. If God is with us, there is nothing we cannot do. With Him by our side, the impossible things can become possible.
  4. If God is with us, then He will lead us and guide us into making great decisions that will bless our lives. We don’t have to figure it out on our own.

It’s a pretty simple thought but one that has been challenging me. Let’s begin to expect the good things God has in mind for us as we follow Him.

Let’s expect for God to bless our lives, to lead us and guide us into the best life possible. Let’s expect Him to answer when we cry out to Him and let’s expect to be His answer and solution to our world that is in desperate need.

Are you following God’s way for your life? Do you know Him? If you are unsure and want to know more, we would love to chat with you. Simply click on the pop up or link below and we will be in touch with you!

Do you have questions about Jesus or would like to know more? We would love to connect with you. Just click below to send us your questions!