Are you simply tired of looking for love in all the wrong places?
You know, that quick fix love that never truly fixes anything:
- Finding love through alcohol.
- Finding love through unhealthy relationships.
- Finding love through the superficial.
- Finding love through online affirmation.
- Finding love through achievements.
We try to find love and acceptance through things or people that will never truly love us the way we deserve. That kind of love will always disappoint us, as it never has our best interests at heart; it’s a selfish kind of love. So, I’ll ask again: are you tired of looking for love in the wrong places?
The truth is:
- People will disappoint us – that is a reality.
- Quick fixes might numb the pain for a little while, but things always resurface.
We all deserve unconditional love. A love that never fails. A love that knows and understands our worth and value. This love can be found through having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I say this because I used to try to find love and acceptance through alcohol and through to being in unhealthy relationships. I used to be a very hurt, broken, and frightened person, up until I decided enough was enough. I wanted something deeper. I wanted something that had meaning and purpose behind it. I was tired of trying to find love in all of the wrong places! Until the day I decided I wanted to get to know God, and get to know His character and understand His love and His purposes for my life. And friend, it was the best decision I have ever made. Understanding His love and His grace has shaped the way I go about loving others. It’s a love that transforms; it’s a love that heals and forgives; it’s a love that strengthens; it’s a love full of purpose and dreams. This kind of love is not exclusive and only for the elite few, but it’s a kind of love that is offered to all of us, because we are deserving of this kind of love!
Friend, if you are tired of looking for love in the wrong places, then may I encourage you to find love in God. It’s the kind of love that will never disappoint you! Click on the link to find out more.