Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tips for a new you (well the old one, but better)

It’s a little bit further on into the new year now, nobody is even thinking of New Year’s resolutions - we’re caught up in the everyday grind, the emails,...

Creativity stealers

Whether you are a creative working full-time to a creative who dabbles creatively once in a while, you will at some point bump into (rather abruptly) a "CREATIVE BLOCK"....

How to say NO at work

Hello there overachiever. If you clicked on this link, I would bet that you are an avid overachiever. I can do it all. I can do everything. I want...

Living with uncertainty

The scary thing about uncertainty is that you most likely never escape it. You will always be uncertain about something, especially the future. I get anxious about taking drives to...

Back to stress?

It's the start of a new year which means many of us are back to school or back to work. But could it be that instead, we are back...

How to figure out your calling.

I remember looking at Universities, Colleges, and option upon option when I was in High School, more confused than Alice in Wonderland. What would I chose. How did I...

Stop asking for easy

I recently saw a post online that said we should stop asking for easy. It intrigued me because 2016 was a particularly challenging year for me. Here is an excerpt of...

What Matters Most At Christmas?

I did all my Christmas shopping before the start of December this year – that’s a first. Then, much to the delight of our nine-year-old twins, we finally put...

You is KIND, you is SMART

Everyone is talented in their own way. I love to travel. I love experiencing culture and watching the fascinating way it shapes and moulds humanity. I like observing the small...

New job, new year? Heck yeah…

Tired of your job? Not excited to bond with your laptop for another LONG year? Reckon it’s time you took a rain check on that sales position and started...

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