When God is Silent
I recently went through a time in my life when everything was happening for me. God was answering my prayers, I was hearing Him speak to me, lead and...
When Jesus Say Yes
When Jesus say yes nobody can say no!
When I first heard the song from Michelle Williams, I fell in love with the beat, the vibe, the style and feel...
Don’t Quit!
When I was in primary school, I stumbled upon an amazing poem - it carried me through many tough seasons throughout my life. It served as a constant reminder...
Moments Of Life
Have you ever thought about the word "moments" and what it represents?
Moments are the building blocks in order for God to create the bigger picture and a greater purpose.
Broken crayons still colour
Broken crayons still colour.
I stumbled across this quote over a year ago and saved it to my phone! Do you ever do that? See a quote , then save...
Keep Hope Alive
There are many things that get us down, cramp our style, and kill our vibe! People disappoint us all the time by lying to us, cheating us, stealing from us...
When Life Shakes You
So many times, life can shake us. Just like an earthquake can cause a building to collapse, the storms of life can shake us and cause our lives to collapse....
The Impossible Road to Freedom
A while ago, my husband and I took the kids to see a movie and I saw a preview for the movie Exodus. It's the story of the Israelites coming out...
Finding Joy In The Journey
A few days ago, myself and my husband were shopping at our local grocery store. The store was very busy and the queues for the paying station were extremely...
Face Your Fear
There are many things I can tolerate. Snakes, mice, wild life - the usual everyday creatures that most people have major freak-outs over. There are however a handful of...