Saturday, May 4, 2024

Thoughts That Keep Me Up at 2 AM

What are you doing sending text messages at 2 am?” My friend texted me. “My brain is running,” I said. “I keep on waking up at 2 am and...

You won’t make it alone

I’ve been keeping a close eye on South African band Beatenberg since, well... forever – since the day my cousin sat me down in the room and played Chelsea Blakemore and...

Stress Management Explained

I was trawling around Facebook recently and discovered this very interesting article.  It explains in layman's terms, how stress affects us and the long term effects of it: A psychologist...

Finding a good balance between work and play

For many of us the saying ‘So much to do and so little time’ rings all too true. Fitting everything required of us into a 24 hour day is...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: A Tea Time Treat (Ginger Tea and Nuts)

A Tea Time Treat (Ginger Tea and Nuts) Featured Cook: Philippa from Uganda Peanuts Ingredients: Peanuts Salt and a little water A frying pan Method: Heat the pan. Put the peanuts and about a tablespoon of water...

Why Denim never goes out of Fashion

Why Denim never goes out of Fashion “I have jeans with holes in them and I have nice jeans. I have casual and I have dressy jeans. I've got all...

Stand up for yourself!

I had a friend in university, let’s call her Ashley. Ashley was tall, blonde, smart, and rich. The boys loved her and she knew it. Ashley viewed the “friends”...

What’s Next?

So last night you probably celebrated the beginning of a new year. Whether you had a braai and sat on the beach, went to a banging loud party or...

Are you too selfish?

It's all around us, isn't it? This blaring message everywhere we turn that it's all about us; it's all about what we want, what we need and where we...

Being the Bigger Person – What If I Don’t Want To?

Do you ever get tired of this saying? You know, when someone hurts you, disappoints you or makes you mad and all your friend has to say is, "Oh...

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